قسم المختبرات الطبية
أ/ التخصصات :
وتشمل ثلاثة تخصصات رئيسية وهي الكيمياء السريرية والأحياء الدقيقة وأمراض الدم بالإضافة لتخصصين فرعيين هما الأنسجة المريضة والطفيليات الطبية
ب/ المكاتب : وتشمل
- مكتب رئيس القسم
- مكتب الأساتذات
ج/ القاعات وتشمل
- قاعة أبوالمانجل بسعة 208 طالب وطالبة
- قاعة شيخ الحاج بسعة 118 طالب وطالبة
- قاعة قريب الله بسعة 36 طالب
- قاعة الشيخ البدري 36 طالب
د/ المعامل : وتشمل
- معمل الكيمياء السريرية بسعة 40 طالب وطالبة
- معمل الأحياء الدقيقة بسعة طالب وطالبة
- معمل أمراض الدم بسعة 40 طالب وطالبة
- معمل الأنسجة المريضة بسعة 20 طالب
- معمل الطفيليات بسعة 20 طالب
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
جامعة الشيخ عبد الله البدري
كلية العلــوم الصحية
مقترح منهج بكلاريوس المختبرات الطبية المنقح
(درجة الشرف)
خلفية تاريخية:
في سنة 2007م أنشأ الشيخ عبد الله البدري كلية تقنية صحية بلغت مساحة أبنيتها 1800 متر مربع مستهدفة توفير كوادر طبية مساعدة تمنح درجة الدبلوم التقني في تخصصات (التمريض – الصيدلة – الإحصاء الطبي – مساعدي طب الأسنان) وابتدأت الدراسة فيها في عام 2008 م، وتم افتتاحها في يناير 2009م.
تم إقتراح إضافة برنامج علوم المختبرات الطبية (بكالوريوس عام) إلى برامج الكلية من قبل مجلس الأساتذة بالجامعة ومن ثم مجلس الجامعة نسبة لحوجة الولاية الشديدة لتلك الكوادر في مجال المختبرات الطبية ووجود إقبال عالي من الطلاب على تلك البرامج فكان لابد من التجهيز لقيام هذا البرنامج، وقد تم بحمد الله استجلاب عدد مقدر من الأجهزة والمعدات الطبية الخاصة بهذا البرنامج من خارج السودان (الصين) على نفقة الشيخ عبد الله البدري. وبالفعل تم قبول أول دفعه في العام 2013م. بعدد 60 طالبا وطالبه قبول عام و30 طالب قبول خاص واستمر التطور في استكمال البنية التحتية للقسم وتوالي القبول لدفعتين جديدتين عامي 2014 -2015 بتلك الأعداد المقدرة فكان لزاما أن يتبع هذا التطور المطرد من أجهزه ومعدات ومعامل تطور في مفردات المناهج تماشيا ومواكبه لكل ما هوجديد.
تم تنقيح منهج المختبرات بواسطة لجنه من أهل الاختصاص لتتم إضافة بعض المواد المهمة التي تساعد الطالب على فهم المواد التخصصية مثل مواد مدخل لعلم الأدوية والمضادات الحيوية-طب المجتمع وعلم الوبائيات – بعض التقنيات المهمة لمعامل الطب الشرعي – علم الإحصاء الحيوي بالإضافة إلى تعديل بعض عناوين المحاضرات تبعا للبحوث والمعلومات العلمية المنشورة حديثا. مما زاد عدد الساعات المعتمدة من 152فى الخطة المعتمدة إلى 166 ساعة معتمده وعليه يمنح البرنامج بكالوريوس الشرف في علوم المختبرات الطبية بدلا من بكالوريوس عام. كما اقترحت اللجنة أن يتخرج الطالب في السنة النهائية بتخصصين لاتجاه معظم العلوم الطبية والصحية للتخصصية وأسوة بنظيراتها من الكليات بالجامعات السودانية والعالمية.
ملخص توصيات اللجنة:
- اعتماد المقررات المضافة للخطة الدراسية بساعاتها المعتمدة.
- اعتماد تخرج الطالب ببكالوريوس درجة الشرف بدلا عن البكلاريوس العام بناءا على زيادة الساعات المعتمدة.
- اعتماد تعديل بعض عناوين المحاضرات.
- اعتماد مقترح تخرج الطالب في السنة النهائية بتخصصين.
- يتم اختيار مادتي التخصص وفقا للشروط والمعدلات في السنة النهائية بمجموع 19ساعة معتمدة في الفصل الدراسي السابع و14ساعة معتمدة في الفصل الدراسي الثامن
تشكيل اللجنة:
تشكلت اللجنة التي نقحت هذا المنهج من الأساتذة:
- أ.د البدري الأمين محمد – تخصص علم الطفيليات رئيسا
- د. فانيا عبد الله البدري – الطب والجراحة – تخصص النساء والتوليد عضوا
- د. عبد الله ميرغني دياب – الطب والجراحة – تخصص الطب الشرعي عضوا
- د. الواثق يحى محمد نور – الطب والجراحة – تخصص طب المجتمع عضوا
- د. مرتضى عثمان الطاهر – الطب والجراحة – تخصص طب المجتمع عضوا
- د. محمد محجوب الحسن – مختبرات طبيه – تخصص الكيمياء السريرية عضوا
- د. إبراهيم بخيت – مختبرات طبيه – تخصص الأنسجة عضوا
- أ. حسام على عثمان – مختبرات طبيه – تخصص أمراض الدم عضوا
- أ. محمد عبد الرحمن سيد – مختبرات طبيه – تخصص أمراض الدم عضوا
- أ. بابكر محمود عثمان – مختبرات طبيه – تخصص الأحياء الدقيقة عضوا
- أ. هشام عبد الحميد ابن إدريس – مختبرات طبيه – تخصص علم المناعة عضوا
Semester 1
الخطة المنقحة
Code | Course | Credit hours | |
1.1.1 | MLS-ANT | Anatomy | 2(1+2) |
1.1.2 | MLS.ARB | Arabic language-1 | 3(3+0) |
1.1.3 | MLS. CHM | General Chemistry | 3(2+1) |
1.1.4 | MLS.CS | Computer sciences | 3(2+3) |
1.1.5 | MLS.ENG | English language-1 | 3(3+0) |
1.1.6 | MLS.ISC | Islamic culture-1 | 3(3+0) |
1.1.7 | MLS.PHC | Medical physics | 2(1+2) |
1.1.8 | MLS-PHY | Physiology-1 | 2(1+2) |
1.1.9 | MLS-IM L | Introduction to medical laboratory | 2(1+2) |
1.1.10 | MLS-SUD | Sudanese Studies | 3(3+0) |
Total | 26 |
Semester 2
الخطة المنقحة
Code | Course | Credit hours | ||
1.2.1 | MLS-N H | Normal histology | 3(2+3) | |
1.2.2 | MLS.ARB | Arabic language-2 | 3(3+0) | |
1.2.3 | MLS. PHY | Physiology-2 | 2(1+2) | |
1.2.4 | MLS.INS | Instrumentation | 3(2+3) | |
1.2.5 | MLS.ISC | Islamic culture-2 | 3(3+0) | |
1.2.6 | MLS.ENG | English language-2 | 3(3+0) | |
1.2.7 | MLS.BIL | Biology | 2(1+2) | |
1.2.8 | MLS. BIO | Biochemistry | 2(1+2) | |
1.2.9 | MLS.LAB | laboratory safety | 2(1+2) | |
Total | 23 | |||
Semester 3
الخطة المنقحة
Code | Course | Credit hours | |
2.3.1 | MLS- MIC-231 | Microbiology-1 | 3(2+3) |
2.3.2 | MLS-CCH-232 | Clinical chemistry-1 | 3(2+3) |
2.3.3 | MLS-HEM-233 | Haematology-1 | 3(2+3) |
2.3.4 | MLS-PAR-234 | Parasitology-1 | 3(2+3) |
2.3.5 | MLS-HIS-235 | Histopathology-1 | 3(2+3) |
2.3.6 | MLS-IMM-236 | Basic immunology | 3(2+3) |
2.3.7 | MLS.COH-237 | Community Health | 2(2+0) |
Total | 20 |
Semester 4
الخطة المنقحة
Code | Course | Credit hours | |
2.4.1 | MLS-MIC-241 | Microbiology-2 | 3(2+3) |
2.4.2 | MLS-CCH-242 | Clinical chemistry-2 | 3(2+3) |
2.4.3 | MLS-HEM-243 | Hematology -2 | 3(2+3) |
2.4.4 | MLS.HIS-244 | Histopathology -2 | 3(2+3) |
2.4.5 | MLS-PAR-245 | Parasitology-2 | 3(2+3) |
2.4.6 | MLS.PAT-246 | General Pathology | 2(2+0) |
2.4.7 | MLS.EPD-247 | Epidemiology | 2(2+0) |
Total | 19 |
Semester 5
الخطة المنقحة
Code | Course | Credit hours | |
3.5.1 | MLS-MIC-351 | Microbiology -3 | 3(2+3) |
3.5.2 | MLS-CCH-352 | Clinical Chemistry -3 | 3(2+3) |
3.5.3 | MLS-CIM-353 | Clinical immunology | 3(3+0) |
3.5.4 | MLS-HEM-354 | Hematology-3 | 3(2+3) |
3.5.5 | MLS-MOB-355 | Molecular biology-1 | 2(1+2) |
3.5.6 | MLS.HIS-356 | Histopathology-3 | 3(2+3) |
3.5.7 | MLS-PAR-357 | Parasitology-3 | 3(2+3) |
Total | 20 |
Semester 6
الخطة المنقحة
Code | Course | Credit hours | |
3.6.1 | MLS-MIC-361 | Microbiology -4 | 3(2+3) |
3.6.2 | MLS-CCH-362 | Clinical Chemistry -4 | 3(2+3) |
3.6.3 | MLS-PAR-363 | Parasitology-4 | 3(2+3) |
3.6.4 | MLS-HEM-364 | Hematology-4 | 3(2+3) |
3.6.5 | MLS-HIS-365 | Histopathology-4 | 3(2+3) |
3.6.6 | MLS-QCL-366 | Laboratory management & Quality assurance | 3(3+0) |
3.6.7 | MLS-PHA-367 | Pharmacology | 2(2+0) |
In-Service Training | 3(0+6) | ||
Total | 23 |
Semester 7
الخطة المنقحة
Code | Course | Credit hours | |
4.7.1 | MLS-CCH-471 | Clinical Chemistry-5 | 4(3+3) |
Elective course (Histopathology or Parasitology) | 4(3+3) | ||
4.7.2 | MLS-RM-472 | Research Methodology | 2(2+0) |
4.7.3 | MLS-GEN-473 | Genetics | 3(3+0) |
4.7.4 | MLS-FOR-474 | Forensic laboratory | 2(2+0) |
4.7.5 | MLS.MOB-475 | Molecular biology-2 | 2(2+1) |
In-Service Training | 3(0+6) | ||
Total | 20 |
Code | Course | Credit hours | |
4.7.3 | MLS-HEM-476 | Hematology -5 | 4(3+3) |
Elective course (Histopathology or Parasitology) | 4(3+3) | ||
4.7.2 | MLS-RM-472 | Research Methodology | 2(2+0) |
4.7.3 | MLS-GEN-473 | Genetics | 3(2+3) |
4.7.4 | MLS-FOR-474 | Forensic laboratory | 2(2+0) |
4.7.5 | MLS. MOB-475 | Molecular biology-2 | 2(2+1) |
In-Service Training | 3(0+6) | ||
Total | 20 |
Code | Course | Credit hours | |
4.7.3 | MLS-MIC-478 | Microbiology -5 | 4(3+3) |
Elective course (Histopathology or Parasitology) | 4(3+3) | ||
4.7.2 | MLS-RM-472 | Research Methodology | 2(2+0) |
4.7.3 | MLS-GEN-473 | Genetics | 3(2+3) |
4.7.4 | MLS-FOR-474 | Forensic laboratory | 2(2+0) |
4.7.5 | MLS. MOB-475 | Molecular biology-2 | 2(2+1) |
In-Service Training | 3(0+6) | ||
Total | 20 |
Semester 8
الخطة المنقحة
Code | Course | Credit hours | |
4.8.1 | MLS-DHEM-481 | Diagnostic Hematology | 4(3+3) |
Elective course (Histopathology or Parasitology) | 4(3+3) | ||
Graduation project | 3(6+0) | ||
In-Service Training | 3(0+6) | ||
4.8.2 | MLS-BIS-482 | Biostatistics | 2(1+2) |
4.8.3 | MLS- M ET-483 | Medical Ethics | 2(2+0) |
Total | 18 |
Code | Course | Credit hours | |
4.8.3 | MLS-DMIC-483 | Diagnostic Microbiology | 4(3+3) |
Elective course (Histopathology or Parasitology) | 4(3+3) | ||
Graduation project | 3(6+0) | ||
In-service training | 3(3+6) | ||
4.8.2 | MLS-BIS-482 | Biostatistics | 2(1+2) |
4.8.3 | MLS- M ET-483 | Medical Ethics | 2(2+0) |
Total | 18 |
Code | Course | Credit hours | |
4.8.6 | MLS-DCCH-486 | Diagnostic Clinical chemistry | 4(3+3) |
Elective course (Histopathology or Parasitology) | 4(3+3) | ||
Graduation project | 3(6+0) | ||
In-service training | 3(3+6) | ||
4.8.2 | MLS-BIS-482 | Biostatistics | 2(1+2) |
4.8.3 | MLS- M ET-483 | Medical Ethics | 2(2+0) |
Total | 18 |
الموضوع | رقم الصفحة |
جدول مقررات الخطة المجازة | 3 |
جدول مقررات الخطة المنقحة | 6 |
3- وصف مقررات المنهج للفصل الدراسي الأول | 12 |
4- وصف مقررات المنهج للفصل الدراسي الثاني | 34 |
5- وصف مقررات المنهج للفصل الدراسى الثالث | 50 |
6- وصف مقررات المنهج للفصل الدراسى الرابع | 66 |
7- وصف مقررات المنهج للفصل الدراسى الخامس | 80 |
8- وصف مقررات المنهج للفصل الدراسى السادس | 95 |
9- وصف مقررات المنهج للفصل الدراسى السابع | 109 |
10- وصف مقررات المنهج للفصل الدراسى الثامن | 133 |
الفصل الدراسي الأول
Titles of the course: ANATOMY
Intended term: term (1)
Course duration: 15 weeks
Lectures: 2 hours per week – Duration 15 weeks
Practical: 3 hours per week – Duration 15 weeks
Credit hours: 2
This course is intended for medical laboratory science students
General objective
By the end of this course, medical laboratory student should be able to:
1- Know the general anatomical and histological terminology & construction of the human body.
2- Understand the major properties and morphology of bones, muscles, vessels, nerves, and other tissue.
Specific objective
At the end of this course, medical laboratory students should be able to:
1- Know the basic units of the human skeleton, joints, muscles, blood vessels, and lymphatic.
2- Understand the construction of the human body systems, e.g. respiratory, blood circulation, genito-urinary, gastro-intestinal, nervous, endocrine, and lymphatic systems.
3- Know the histological details of the human tissues, e.g. cells, epithelia, supporting tissue, nervous tissue, muscular tissues, and gastro-intestinal urinary tissue.
Instructional methods
- Lectures
- Laboratory practical
- Tutorial
Final examinations run by internal examiners
- Evaluation consist of
- M.C.Q.S : 10%
- Long essays : 20%
- Short questions : 20%
- Practical : 40%
- Oral : 10%
Course contents
The course covers the following subjects
Week (1)
Anatomy of the musculo-skeletal system.
Human skeleton
Week (2)
Muscular system
Week (3)
Anatomy of the cardio – vascular system
Week (4)
Anatomy of the lymphatic system
Week (5)
Anatomy of the respiratory system
Week (6)
Anatomy of the gastro – intestinal tract
Week (7)
Anatomy of the urinary system
Week (8)
Anatomy of the reproductive system
Week (9)
Anatomy of the nervous system
Week (10)
Anatomy of the endocrine system
Week (11)
Hyaline & elastic cartilage
White fibro cartilage
Week (12)
Compact bone
Week (13)
Chancellors bone & Ossification bone
Week (14)
Week (15)
Class Test
Practical sessions
Week (1) Anatomy of musculo – skeletal system
Week (2) Anatomy of cardiovascular & lymphatic system
Week (3) Anatomy of respiratory system & gastrointestinal tract
Week (4) Anatomy of urinary & reproductive systems
Week (5) Anatomy of nervous & endocrine systems
Week (6) white fibrous connective tissue plus hyaline & elastic fibro – cartilage
Week (7) Bone, ground, decalcified, compact, growing, spongy bones
Week (8) Transverse & longitudinal sections of skeletal muscles
Week (9) Histology of cardiac and valves
Week (10) Nervous tissue nerve trunk, and ganglion ‘spinal sympathetic
Week (11) Histology of skin: tip of finger & scalp
Week (12) Histology of aorta, basilar and coronary arteries
Week (13) Histology of arteries veins
Week (14) Lymphatic tissue: lymph node, spleen, tonsil and thymus
Week (15) Histology of trachea & lung “adult & fetal”
اللغة العربية -1
الفترة الزمنية للمنهج: 15 أسبوع
المحاضرات: ساعتان في الأسبوع ولمدة 15 اسبوع
عدد الساعات المعتمدة: 3 ساعات
الطلاب المعنيون: طلاب علوم المختبرات الطبية
الأهداف العامة للمنهج
عند إتمام دراسة المنهج ينبغي أن يكون الطالب قادراً على:
1-معرفة الأسس والمفاهيم العلمية التي تساعد الطالب في الاستفادة من المراجع العلمية المكتوبة باللغة الإنجليزية.
2-الإسهام بصورة فعالة في سياسات التعليم العالي بدفع عجلة التعريب.
الأهداف الخاصة للمنهج
عند إتمام دراسة المنهج ينبغي أن يكون الطالب قادراً على:
1- معرفة حقيقة اللغة ونشأتها ومعالجة الاخطاء الشائعة بين الطلاب .
2- الإلمام بصياغة المصطلح العلمي ووضعه من المصادر المختلفة .
3- معرفة بعض العلوم المساعدة في وضع المصطلح العلمي كالنحت والإشتقاق .
4- الإلمام بقواعد واساسيات الترجمة والتعريب .
5- معرفة المستويات اللغوية والإختلاف بين الإنجليزية والعربية في النبر .
محتويات المنهج
الأسبوع الأول :حقيقة اللغة ونشأتها
الأسبوع الثاني : الفرق بين اللغة وعلم اللغة
الأسبوع الثالث : نافذة علي اللغة : معالجة الأخطاء الشائعة وسط الطلاب
الأسبوع الرابع : أساليب الكلام : الإيجاز والإطناب والمساواة
الأسبوع الخامس : الترقيم : الأغراض
الأسبوع السادس : الترقيم : علاماته واستخداماتها
الأسبوع السابع : المصطلح العلمي : قوانين صياغة المصطلح العلمي
الأسبوع الثامن : وضع المصطلح العلمي من التراث
الأسبوع التاسع : وضع المصطلح العلمي من الطرق المتعددة لتوليد الألفاظ
الأسبوع العاشر : وضع المصطلح من الصياغة العربية للعرب والدخيل
الأسبوع الحادي عشر : وضع المصطلح العلمي من الجهود المبذولة من قبل العلماء
الأسبوع الثاني عشر : الاشتقاق وتعريفه تقسيم اللغات حول الاشتقاق
الأسبوع الثالث عشر : أصل الاشتقاق
الأسبوع الرابع عشر : أنواع الاشتقاق
الأسبوع الخامس عشر : النحت : تعريفه ، رأي الباحثين
General Chemistry
TITLE OF THE COURSE: General and Organic Chemistry
Intended term : term (1)
Course duration : 15 weeks
Lectures: 2hrs /week duration 15 week
Credit hours : 3 hours
At the end of the course student should be able:
1. To understand the principle behind biochemical laboratory techniques.
2. Make a correct calculation of results.
3. Standardized solution, Identify organic compounds and be aware of their
Properties and reactions.
The course covers the following subjects:
1. General chemistry including chemical compounds, simple principles on what chemical analysis is based.
2. Organic chemistry nomenclature, structure, and properties.
3. Chemistry related to biochemical functions in the human body.
The course covers the following topics:
1. Introduction, including chemical terminology:
2. Simple principles on which chemical analysis is based, including:
- Acid and base proton exchange.
- Acid-base neutralization reaction indicators.
- Volumetric analysis, standard solutions, molarity and normality.
- Acid -Alkaline titration, precipitation titration, oxidation and reductions.
- The concept of pH, dissociation of acids and bases.
- Oxidation and reductions, electronic definition of Redox reactions.
- The atomic nucleus, natural abundance e.g. radioactive isotopes, natural
- Abundance biological half-life.
3. Organic chemistry including:
- Alcohols, including proof spirit.
- Nomenclature and structure of saturated hydrocarbons (C1- C6), Single
- Structural isomerism properties, occurrence reactivity, lack of rotation.
- Nomenclature and structure of saturated hydrocarbons (C2- C4),
- Double and triple carbon bonding, lack of Rotation , addition to the double
- Bonds (e.g. hydrogen, halogens and water).
- Nomenclature and structure of alcohols; primary, secondary and tertiary
- Alcohols.
- Nomenclature and structure of aldehydes and ketons (C1-C4).
- Nomenclature and structure of linear monocarboxylic acids (C1-C4) reactions (e.g. salts, esters, acids and chlorides).
- Structure and properties of primary, secondary, and tertiary amines reaction.
- Structure of benzene, simple reaction, chlorination, sulphonation, and nitration.
Introduction to computer sciences
Title of the course: Computer sciences
Intended term: Term (1)
Course duration: 15 Weeks
Lectures: 2 hours per week – Duration 15 weeks
Practical : 3 hours per week – Duration 15 weeks
Credit hours : 3 hours per week
This course is intended for medical laboratory science students .
General Objective
By the end of this course, medical laboratory should be able to :
- Know the types, functions and commands of computer software as well as and principles of DOS, data base, lotus, excel and windows.
- Understand the bases of Microsoft word sorting, planning, tools and applications.
- Know the principles of statistical analysis, spread sheet and technical writing.
Specific Objective
At the end of this course, medical laboratory students should be able to:
- Know the components, electrical aspects, languages and applications of computer.
- Understand the definition types and functions of software as well as, the principles of DOS system regarding commands and syntax.
- Know types, versions, files creation, entry and sorting of data for data base program.
- Know how to apply Lotus, Excel and Windows techniques .
- Know the planning sorting, insertion , and tools of Microsoft word , in addition to initiation of tables and insertion of pictures .
- Understand the types and applications of statistical analysis, spread sheet and writing techniques.
Instructional methods
- Lectures
- Practicals
- Tutorials
Final examinations run by internal examiners
Evaluation consist of
- M.C.Q. s10%
- Long essays 20%
- Short questions 20%
- Practical 40%
- Oral 10%
Course contents
The course covers the following subjects :
Week (1) Introduction to computer
- Components & electrical aspects
- Languages : highlights
Week (2) Computer software
- Definition & types
- Functions
Week (3) DOS system
- Syntax
- Commands
Week (4) Data base
- Introduction
- Type & versions
Week (5) Data base III
- Files creation
- Data entry & sorting
Week (6) Lotus 123
- Functions & uses
- Data entry & sorting
Week (7) Excel
- Functions & uses
- Data entry & sorting
Week (8) Windows
- Opening & shutdown
- Create a new file
Week (9) Microsoft word-1
- Page planning
- Sorting
Week (10) Microsoft word-2
- Tools
- Tables & pictures
Week (11) Microsoft word-3
- Insert
- View
Week (12) introduction to statistical analysis
- Epi – info
Week (13) Spread sheet
- Commands with spread reference “two graph”
- Data base commands
Week (14) Statistical analysis of data using spread sheet
Week (15) Technical writing
Practical applications
Week (1) introductory practical
Week (2) DOS-1
Week (3) DOS-2
Week (4) Data base III-1
Week (5) Data base III-2
Week (6) Windows application-1
Week (7) Windows application-2
Week (8) Windows application-3
Week (9) Excel-1
Week (10) Excel-2
Week (11) Microsoft word-1
Week (12) Microsoft word-2
Week (13) Spread sheet-1
Week (14) Spread sheet-2
Week (15) Technical writing
Title of the course: Scientific English (1)
Intended term : term (1)
Course duration : 15 weeks
Lectures : 2 hours per week
Duration : 15 weeks
Credit hours : 3 hours per week
This course is intended for medical laboratory science students
General Objective
By the end of this course, medical laboratory students should be able to:
- Know how to write and speak English fluently
Specific Objective
- Know the root,suffix and prefix and their combination on between these items and syntax used in scientific writings.
- Understand the scientific medical term.
- Know the use of miscellaneous syntax scientific writings.
Instructional methods
- Lectures
- Tutorials
- Seminars
1. Final examinations run by internal examiners
2. Evaluation consists of:
- M.C.Q. S:10%
- Long essays : 40%
- Short questions: 40%
- Oral: 10%
Course contents
The course covers the following subjects:
- Lectures
Week (1) :
Introduction to medical terminology
Week (2) :
Root and counting term
Week (3):
Week (4):
Week (5):
Body parts – root word
Week (6):
Abbreviation and pronunciation
Week (7)
Diseases and diagnosis suffix
Week (8)
Case study
Week (9)
Root word
Week (10)
Analysis of medical term
Week (11)
Common suffix and prefix
Week (12)
Week (13) Test
الثقافة الإسلامية -1
اسم المنهج : الثقافة الإسلامية
الفترة الدراسية : الفترة الأول
الفترة الزمنية للمنهج : 15 أسبوع
المحاضرات : ساعتان في الأسبوع ولمدة 15 أسبوع
عدد الساعات المعتمدة : 3 ساعات
الأهداف العامة للمنهج
عند إتمام دراسة المنهج ينبغي أن يكون الطالب قادراً علي :
- التعرف علي أهمية الأخلاق والعلم والإيمان في الحياة .
- التعرف على رأي الإسلام في المستجدات الحديثة ودور تقني المختبرات الطبية في المجتمع الإسلامي
الأهداف الخاصة للمنهج عند إتمام دراسة المنهج ينبغي أن يكون الطالب قادراً علي:
- معرفة فقه الجنائز والتعرف الديني للموت مقروناً مع علم التشريح .
- معرفة الموقف الفقهي والرأي الديني من نقل وزراعة الأعضاء ، نقل الدم ، منع الحمل والإجهاض والتلقيح الاصطناعي .
محتويات المنهج
الأسبوع الأول : الإيمان والعقل والعلم والعمل
الأسبوع الثاني : مفهوم الأخلاق في الإسلام وأهميتها في الحياة الإنسانية
الأسبوع الثالث : أهمية الأخلاق في ممارسة المهن الطبية المختلفة
الأسبوع الرابع : مواصفات المسلم الذي يعمل في مجالات المهن الطبية المختلفة
الأسبوع الخامس : التعرف بالموت والمفهوم الديني والسكتة الدماغية
الأسبوع السادس : الاحتضار ، تلقين الشهادة ، غسل الميت وصلاة الجنازة
الأسبوع السابع : تعريف علم التشريح وأغراضه
الأسبوع الثامن : إسهامات الثقافة الإسلامية في علم التشريح
الأسبوع التاسع : نظرة الإسلام إلي نقل وزراعة الأعضاء
الأسبوع العاشر : الموقف الفقهي من نقل الدم
الأسبوع الحادي عشر : موقف الشريعة الإسلامية من الإجهاض
الأسبوع الثاني عشر : رأي الدين في وسائل منع الحمل وتنظيم الأسرة
الأسبوع الثالث عشر : الموقف الفقهي من التلقيح الاصطناعي بأنواعه المختلفة
الأسبوع الرابع عشر : رأي الدين في أطفال الأنابيب
الأسبوع الخامس عشر : دور تقني المختبرات الطبية في المجتمع الإسلامي
Medical Physics
Intended term: (1)
Course duration: 15 weeks
Lectures: 2 hours per week – duration 15 week
Practical: 3 hours per week – duration 15 week
Credit hours: 2 hours per week
This course is intended for medical laboratory science students
General Objectives
By the end of this course medical laboratory students should be able to:
1. Know the principles of mechanics, optics, temperature measurement and basic calorimetric.
2. Understand the properties of matter and other physical parameters related to medical physics.
Specific Objectives
At the end of this course, the students should be able to:
- Know the units and dimensions plus dimensional analysis.
- Understand the properties of matter, fluid flow, friction, surface tent ion, and oscillatory motion.
- Understand the principles of wave phenomena and optics.
- Know the principles of temperatures measurement and calorimetry.
- Know kinetic theory, bases of elctrostatistics& introduction to electronics.
Instructional methods
- Lectures
- Laboratory
- Tutorials
Final examinations run by internal examiners and consist of the following:
- M.C.Q.S : 10%
- Long essays : 20%
- Short questions : 20%
- Practical : 40%
- Oral : 10%
Course contents
The course covers the following subjects:
Week (1) Mechanics
- Units and dimensions
- Dimensional analysis
Week (2) Elastic properties of matter
- Elastic module and their measurement by static and dynamic methods
- Measurement of rigidity modules by static and dynamic methods
Week (3) Fluid flow
- Turbulent flow and Reynolds number
- Rational viscometers , concentric & rotating disc
Week (4) Friction
- Revision of the laws of friction and their range of validity
- An account of friction between metals and none metallic solids
Week (5) Surface tension
- Adhesion , cohesion and capillary rise
- Surface tension surface energy and angles of contact
Week (6) Oscillatory motion
- Simple harmonic motion
- Damped harmonic motion and its application
Week (7) Wave phenomena
- The electromagnetic spectrum
- The wave equation and its applications
Week (8) Optics
- Revision of fundamental geometric optics formulae
- Achromatic lenses
Week (9) temperature measurement
- Scales of temperature and fixed points
- Theory of thermometers
Week (10) Calorimetry
- Measurement of specific heat capacity
- Continuous flow calorimetry
Week (11) Kinetic theory
- Kinetic theory of matter
- Kinetic theory of gases
Week (12) Electro statistics
- Electrical charge and its units
- Electrical field potentials
Week (13) introduction to electronics
- Free electron theory of metals
- Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors , majority & minority
Week (14) junction diode characteristics
- The p-n diode , contact potentials
- The p-n junction as a rectifier
Week (15) bipolar transistor characteristics
- The junction transistor
- Current flow through a transistor
Practical courses
Week (1) Simple pendulum
Week (2) Measurement of surface tent ion
Week (3) Determination of acceleration due to gravity
Week (4) Realization of Hoke’ principle
Week (5) Ohm’s law confirmation
Week (6) Gauss’s law in magnetism
Week (7) Boil’s law of pressor
Week (8) Determination of velocity of sound by Reasonalt tubes
Week (9) Determination of refraction index-1
Week (10) Determination of refraction index-2
Week (11) Determination of Focal length
Week (12) Young coefficient
Week (13) Internal resistant measurement
Week (14) Determination of voltmeter resistance by the simple method
Week (15) Frequency determination of power supply alternative current by son meter
Physiology -1
Course title: Physiology
Intended term: (1)
Course duration: 15 weeks
Lectures: 2 hours per week (30 hours)
Credit hour: 2 hours
This course is intended for medical laboratory science students.
Course description:
This course provides a basic background to the principal physiological systems of the human body, includes the blood autonomic nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, endocrine, renal and central nervous system.
General Objectives:
By the end of this course, medical laboratory science students should:
1- State the role of the different body systems in regulating the internal environment.
2- Integrate information about various body systems and describe how one system impacts the other systems.
3- Given a description of an abnormality in a body system , students should be able to predict how this will affect homeostasis and how the body will attempt to compensate for the abnormality .
Specific Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to:
1- Know the physiology of body fluids and their measurement.
2- Know the physiology of the blood, know the functions and physical characteristics of blood and know the physiology of the red cells, white cells & platelets.
3- Know the physiological basis of cardiac muscle, the vascular system, breathing gas exchange, lung volume, and lung capacity.
4- Know the composition and function of GIT hormones, gastric movement saliva, gastric juice, pancreatic secretion and bile.
5- Understand the types, structures, function and control of neuro-hormones, growth hormone, posterior pituitary hormones, thyroid hormones, and pancreatic hormones.
6- Understand the physiology renal clearance, renal circulation, counter-current mechanism, acid-base balance, and maturation disturbances.
7- Know the physiology of the sensory system reflexes, and motor mechanisms.
Instructional methods
- Lectures
- Tutorial
Evaluation consists of:
- Continuous assessment 20%
- Final examinations run by internal examiners 80%
Lecture room, computer and multimedia projector
Course Content :
Week’s lectures
First semester
1- Introduction of human physiology
- Introduction
2- Introduction of human physiology
- The internal environment and homoeostasis
3- Introduction of human physiology
- The composition of the human body
4- Introduction of human physiology
- The body fluids
5- Introduction of human physiology
- Cell physiology
6- The Blood
- Functions and physical characteristics of blood
7- Red blood cell
8- White blood cell and the basis of immunity
9- Platelets – Haemostasis
10- The Autonomic Nervous System
- The sympathetic division
11- The Autonomic Nervous System
- The parasympathethetic division
12- Cardiovascular System
- Anatomical consideration of the heart
13- Cardiovascular System
- The cardiac cycle
14- Cardiovascular System
- The cardiac output
15- Cardiovascular System
The systemic circulation
Introduction to Medical Laboratory
TITLE OF THE COURSE: Introduction to Medical Laboratory
Intedend term : term (1)
Course duration : 15 weeks
Lectures : 2 hours per week
Credit hours : 2 hours
The course covers the following topics:
1. Lectures
Week (1):
Introduction and historical background
Week (2):
Regulatory and responsibilities & organization of laboratories
Week (3):
Role of clinical laboratories in diagnosis of diseases
Week (4):
General safety procedures for employers & patients
Week (5)
Specimen types- collection-storage – transport
Week (6):
Patient preparation and special condition
Week (7):
Laboratory ware and main devices
Week (8)
Metric system and basic calculation methods
Week (9)
Laboratory designation
Week (10)
Criteria of good laboratory designation
Week (11)
Analysis and recording of laboratory results
Week (12)
Week (13)
Week (14)
Class Test
الدراسات السودانية
اسم المنهج : دراسات سودانيه
الفترة الدراسية : الفصل الدراسي الأول
الفترة الزمنية للمنهج : 15 أسبوع
المحاضرات : ساعتان في الأسبوع ولمدة 15 أسبوع
عدد الساعات المعتمدة : 3 ساعات
الأهداف العامة للمنهج
1- تعريف الطالب بأصول الثقافة السودانية وهويتها عربيا وأفريقيا.
2- معرفة التطور التاريخي للدولة السودانية.
3- معرفة القبائل السودانيه وتنوعها.
4- معرفة عوامل الوحدهالوطنيه.
محتويات المنهج
الأسبوع الأول :الثقافه السودانيه
الأسبوع الثاني : التنوع الثقافى واثره علي هوية السودان
الأسبوع الثالث :اصول القبائل العربيه
الأسبوع الرابع : الحضارات السودانيه عبر القرون
الأسبوع الخامس : القبائل السودانيه
الأسبوع السادس : النشاط الاقتصادىفى السودان
الأسبوع السابع :الهجره الداخليه والخارجيه
الأسبوع الثامن : سمنار
الأسبوع التاسع : العادات الضارة في المجتمع السودانى
الأسبوع العاشر : عوامل الوحدة الوطنية
الأسبوع الحادي عشر : تطور نظام الحكم فى السودان
الأسبوع الثاني عشر : سمنار
الأسبوع الثالث عشر : سياسة الدولة المهدية واثرها فى الحياة الاجتماعيه
الأسبوع الرابع عشر : الحياة الاجتماعية في عهد الخليفه عبدالله التعايشى
الأسبوع الخامس عشر : سمنار- مراجعه
الفصل الدراسي الثاني
Normal histology
TITLE OF THE COURSE: Normal histology
Intedendterm : term (2)
Course duration : 15 weeks
Lectures : 2 hours per week
Credit hours : 3 hours
Week (1) Cell histology
- Structure
- Division
Week (2) epithelial tissue
- Simple & stratified epithelium
- Glandular &neuroepithelium
Week (3) Histology of connective tissue
- Cells
- Fibers
Week (4) Connective tissue proper
- Types
- Functions
Week (5) Cartilage
- Hyaline & elastic cartilage
- White fibro cartilage
Week (6) bone
- Compact bone
- Chancellors bone & Ossification bone
Week (7) Histology of the muscular system
- Smooth & skeletal muscles
- Cardiac & conducting tissues
Week (8) Histology of lymphatic & vascular system
- Lymphatic tissues
- Vascular tissues
Week (9)
- Respiratory system tissues
- Nervous system tissues
Week (10) other tissues
- The skin tissue
- Reticulo – endothelial tissues
اللغه العربيه -2
اسم المنهج : منهج اللغة العربية
الفترة الدراسية : الفترة الثانية
الفترة الزمنية للمنهج : 15 أسبوع
المحاضرات : ساعتان في الأسبوع ولمدة 15 أسبوع
عدد الساعات المعتمدة : 3 ساعات
الأهداف العامة للمنهج
عند إتمام دراسة المنهج ينبغي أن يكون الطالب قادراً علي :
1- معرفة أنواع وطرق النحت وقواعد التعريب والاختلافات بين اللغة العربية واللغة الإنجليزية فيالنبر
2- معرفة أسس التعريب والترجمة وما يتبع ذلك كتاريخ الترجمة وأهميتها وأنواعها وأساليبها .
3- معرفة إسهامات العلماء العرب في الحضارة والعلوم المختلفة
4- معرفة المستويات الصوتية وأنواعها ودلالاتها
الأهداف الخاصة للمنهج
عند إتمام دراسة المنهج ينبغي أن يكون الطالب قادراً علي :
1- فهم طرق النحت ، وأهمية الترجمة وتاريخها ووحداتها وأنواعها ومستوياتها وجذورها عند العرب
2- معرفة قواعد الألفاظ والتعريب وإسهامات العلماء العرب في الحضارة والعلوم
3- معرفة أنواع المستويات اللغوية كالمستوي الصوتي والنحوي والدلالي .
4- معرفة الاختلافات بين اللغتين العربية والإنجليزية في النبر .
محتويات المنهج
الأسبوع الأول : أنواع وطرق النحت
الأسبوع الثاني : الترجمة : تعريف وتاريخ الترجمة
الأسبوع الثالث : الترجمة : أهمية الترجمة
الأسبوع الرابع : الترجمة : الترجمة عند العرب
الأسبوع الخامس : الترجمة : وحدة الترجمة
الأسبوع السادس : الترجمة : الترجمة علي مستوي الفونيم والمورفيم
الأسبوع السابع : الترجمة : الترجمة علي مستوي الكلمة والجملة
الأسبوع الثامن : الترجمة : الترجمة علي مستوي العبارة والنص
الأسبوع التاسع : التعريب : قواعد تعريب الألفاظ
الأسبوع العاشر : إسهامات علماء العرب في الحضارة العربية
الأسبوع الحادي عشر : نبوغ العرب في العلوم المختلفة
الأسبوع الثاني عشر : المستويات اللغوية : المستوي الصوتي
الأسبوع الثالث عشر : المستويات اللغوية : المستوي النحوي
الأسبوع الرابع عشر : المستويات اللغوية : المستوي الدلالي
الأسبوع الخامس عشر : بعض الاختلافات بين الإنجليزية والعربية في النبر
Physiology -2
Course title: Physiology
Intended term: (2)
Course duration: 30 weeks
Lectures: 2 hours per week (60 hours)
Credit hour: 2 hours
This course is intended for medical laboratory science students.
Course description:
This course provides a basic background to the principal physiological systems of the human body, includes the blood autonomic nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, endocrine, renal and central nervous system.
General Objectives:
By the end of this course, medical laboratory science students should:
1- State the role of the different body systems in regulating the internal environment.
2- Integrate information about various body systems and describe how one system impacts the other systems.
3- Given a description of an abnormality in a body system , students should be able to predict how this will affect homeostasis and how the body will attempt to compensate for the abnormality .
Specific Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to:
1- Know the physiology of body fluids and their measurement.
2- Know the physiology of the blood, know the functions and physical characteristics of blood and know the physiology of the red cells, white cells & platelets.
3- Know the physiological basis of cardiac muscle, the vascular system, breathing gas exchange, lung volume, and lung capacity.
4- Know the composition and function of GIT hormones, gastric movement saliva, gastric juice, pancreatic secretion and bile.
5- Understand the types, structures, function and control of neuro-hormones, growth hormone, posterior pituitary hormones, thyroid hormones, and pancreatic hormones.
6- Understand the physiology renal clearance, renal circulation, counter-current mechanism, acid-base balance, and maturation disturbances.
7- Know the physiology of the sensory system reflexes, and motor mechanisms.
Instructional methods
- Lectures
- Tutorial
Evaluation consists of:
- Continuous assessment 20%
- Final examinations run by internal examiners 80%
Lecture room, computer and multimedia projector
Course Content :
Week’s lectures
Second semester
1- Respiratory System
- Ventilation – Compliance
2- Respiratory System
- Gas exchange in the lungs & Gas transport
3- Respiratory System
- The role of respiratory system in acid-base balance
4- Gastrointestinal Physiology
- Mastication , saliva & deglutition
5- Gastrointestinal Physiology
- The stomach
6- Gastrointestinal Physiology
- The small intestine – The colon
7- Endocrine System
- The anterior pituitary gland
8- Thyroid & parathyroid glands
9- The adrenal gland
10- Endocrine pancreas – Gonads
11- Renal System
- The nephron -The mechanism of GFR
12- Tubular reabsorption & tubular secretion – Micturition
13- The Central Nervous System
- Introduction
14- The Central Nervous System
- The sensory system
15- The Central Nervous System
- The motor system
Course title: Instrumentation
Intended term: (2)
Course duration: 15 weeks
Lectures: 2 hours per week (30 hours)
Credit hour: 3 hours
This course is intended for medical laboratory science students.
Course description:
This course provides a basic background to the principal of instruments that used in the laboratory
General Objectives:
By the end of this course, medical laboratory science students should:
1- State the role of the different of instruments that used in the laboratory
2- Integrate information about various Machines and equipments and describe how it works.
3- Given a description of an abnormality and the mistakes could be happened
Specific Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to:
1- Know the main instruments used in the lab.
2- Know the usage of microscope, maintenance, cleaning & storage
3- Know the basis and principles of instrumentsused in the lab.
4- Know the composition and function of instruments used in the lab and their mechanisms.
Instructional methods
- Lectures
- Tutorial
Evaluation consists of:
- Continuous assessment 20%
- Final examinations run by internal examiners 80%
Lecture room, computer and multimedia projector
Course Content :
Week (1)
Microscopy- historical background.
Week (2)
Light microscope –parts- types – principle.
Week (3)
Other types of microscopes- dark field- phase contrast- fluorescence- electron microscopes.
Week (4)
Week (5)
Centrifuge – types and uses.
Week (6)
Week (7)
Sterilization & disinfection equipments- Oven- autoclaves
Week (8)
Nature of light-absorbance & transmission- Beer’s Low
Week (9)
Colorimeter- spectrophotometer-
Week (10)
Automation- benefit of automation
Week (11)
Week (12)
Week (13)
Week (14)
الثقافة الإسلامية -2
اسم المنهج : الثقافة الإسلامية
الفترة الدراسية : الفترة الأول
الفترة الزمنية للمنهج : 15 أسبوع
المحاضرات : ساعتان في الأسبوع ولمدة 15 أسبوع
عدد الساعات المعتمدة : 3 ساعات
الأهداف العامة للمنهج
عند إتمام دراسة المنهج ينبغي أن يكون الطالب قادراً علي :
- التعرف علي أهمية الأخلاق والعلم والإيمان في الحياة .
- التعرف على رأي الإسلام في المستجدات الحديثة ودور تقني المختبرات الطبية في المجتمع الإسلامي
- والإجهاض والتلقيح الاصطناعي .
محتويات المنهج
الأسبوع الأول: الأمراض الجنسية: ضريبة الإباحية.
الأسبوع الثاني: الإسلام والإجهاض.
الأسبوع الثالث: الإسلام والخمر.
الأسبوع الخامس: الإسلام والتدخين.
الأسبوع السادس: الإسلام وعلاج الرجل للمرأة.
الأسبوع السابع: الإسلام والزنا.
الأسبوع الثامن: الإسلام والإنعاش الصناعي.
الأسبوع التاسع: الإسلام والحيض.
الأسبوع العاشر: الإسلام والاستنساخ (1) – (2).
الأسبوع الحادي: الإسلام والتلقيح الصناعي.
الأسبوع الثاني عشر: الإسلام والموانع.
الأسبوع الثالث عشر: الإسلام والإيدز.
الأسبوع الرابع عشر: أعمال السنة
English language -2
Title of the course: English (2)
Intended term : term (2)
Course duration : 15 weeks
Lectures : 2 hours per week
Duration : 15 weeks
Credit hours : 3 hours per week
This course is intended for medical laboratory science students
General Objective
By the end of this course , medical laboratory students should be able to :
Know the bases of English language grammar
Know how to write and speak English fluently
Specific Objective
Know the of nouns , verbs and adjective and their combination on between these items and syntax used in scientific writings .
Understand the infinitive , passive and omission uses and their combination with scientific syntax .
Know the use of miscellaneous syntax scientific writings .
Instructional methods
Final examinations run by internal examiners
Evaluation consists of:
M.C.Q. S:10%
Long essays : 40%
Short questions: 40%
Oral: 10%
Course contents
The course covers the following subjects:
Week (1) Nouns 1Compound nouns Nouns with the same form as verbs Nouns + of this king Nouns + ending in-ion , y , ance,-ence ,-ment Nouns ending in – al , -or , -ability
Week (2)
nouns 2 Present , past participle + noun That , those to replace nouns Of + (adjective) noun That to replace singular noun Those to replace plural nouns
Week (3)
Infinitive Was seen + Infinitive Is said + Infinitive Can be + part participle + Infinitive , present participle Infinitive to replace so that , result that
Week (4)
Verbs Verbs formed with –fy ,en- , en Verb meaning show Verbs formed from nouns Has to replace other verbs
On … ing to replace when + verb
Week (5)
past participle Before being + past participle In , un before adjectives / past participle Is said to have + past participle When / if past participle
Week (6)
Past and present participle Which + passive + to be + past participle Which + passive + to have + past participle Present participle to replace which + verb Contraction of which + present
Description of experiment (passive)
Week (7)
passivePassive with agent Passive without agent Contraction of which + passive Negative passive + infinitive Passive + to have + past participle Passive summery writing
Week (8)
adjectives Adjective ending in –ar , -ic Adjective + enough + infinitive Is said to be + adjective Un- , in- , im- , ab- + adjective
Week (9)
OmissionOmission to avoid repetition Omission of preposition Omitting nous to avoid repetition Do , does , did to avoid repetition
Week (10)
Miscellaneous -1
Known as On / after … ing For … ing purpose Question word + ever
Week (11)
Miscellaneous-2 Provided with Able , unable to = can , cannot The case In that case By that meant
Week (12)
Miscellaneous-3 Being showing result / reason Owing to the fact that Andvive versa And vice versa Not ………… but ………… The former / the later
Week (13)
Of which to replace whose Having to replace which has , have
The more …………….. the more …………….By this is meant Although
Week (14)
Differ / worry the reason for ………… is that Due to the fact that If it was not for
Week (15)
Miscellaneous-6 Contraction of relative clause Phrase or clause to begin a sentence Possess to replace have Might to express doubt, possibility
Summary writing
Course title: Biology
Intended term: (2)
Course duration: 15 weeks
Lectures: 2 hours per week (30 hours)
Credit hour: 2 hours
This course is intended for medical laboratory science students.
Course description:
To develop an understanding of biological facts, principles and concepts.
To promote an appreciation of the importance of observation and experimental work in the study of biology.
General Objectives:
By the end of this course, medical laboratory science students should:
1- State the role of the different of instruments that used in the laboratory
2- Integrate information about various Machines and equipments and describe how it works.
3- Given a description of an abnormality and the mistakes could be happened
Specific Objectives:
- Identify the relationship between biology and medical sciences.
- Differentiate between inductive and deductive methods as well as knowing the basic steps in the scientific method.
- Define the cell theory; identify the structure and function of the prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells as well as understanding cell bioenergetics and divisions.
- Recognise the basic architectural plan of the vertebrate body and its modifications in various classes and relate structure to function.
- Identify and recognise the role of insects and arthropods of medical importance and their control.
- Use the microscope and realise its importance as a biological tool.
- Dissect representative examples of some animal groups.
- Register the results of his laboratory investigations through scientific drawing, writing observations, constructing tables and plotting graphs.
Instructional methods
- Lectures
- Tutorial
Evaluation consists of:
- Continuous assessment 20%
- Final examinations run by internal examiners 80%
Lecture room, computer and multimedia projector
Course Content :
Week (1)
Introduction to cell biology.
Week (2)
Cell structure and function: definition of cell biology as theme in biology, methods of studying cells.
Week (3)
Pro- and eukaryotic cells, animal, plant cells and fungal cells, modifications of cell surface.
Week (4)
Gross functions of cell components.
Week (5)
Cell membrane: molecular structure (fluid mosaic model), transport across membranes.
Week (6)
Cell cycle and cell divisions
Week (7)
The cell cycle (G0, G1, S, G, M), phases and significance of
Week (8)
Week (9)
Week (10)
Morphology of chromosomes and karyotypes
Week (11)
Biological molecules
Week (12)
Week (13)
Week (14)
Week (15)
Course title: Biochemistry
Intended term: (2)
Course duration: 15 weeks
Lectures: 2 hours
Credit hour: 2 hours
Week (1)
cell and Biomolecules:
- The cell: (Cell structure and function)
- Water & pH & biological buffers
Week (2)
- Definition
- Functions of Carbohydrates
- Classification of Carbohydrates
- The type of isomerism found with glucose
- Reducing Sugars
- Important Monosaccharides
- Important Disaccharides
- Important polysaccharides
Week (3)
- Digestion & absorption
- Carbohydrate metabolism& utilize the energy )
- Control of the Blood Glucose & diabetes mellitus
Week (4)
- Definition
- The Functions of Fat in the Body
- Lipids classification
- Fatty acids&Geometric isomerism
- Triacylglycerols
- Phospholipids
- Glycolipids
- Steroids
Week (5)
- Digestion & absorption
- Lipid metabolism& utilize the energy
- Ketogenesis
- Atherosclerosis & CAD and obesity
Week (6)
Protein Structure and Function:
- Amino Acids
- Structure of amino acids
- Classification of amino acids
- Properities of amino acids
- The Peptide Bond
- Peptides compounds
Week (7)
- Functions of protein
- Classification of protein
- Levels of protein structure
- Denaturation
- Hemoproteins
- Myoglobin
- Digestion and absorption
- Protein metabolism
Week (8)
Nucleic acids:
- nucleotides
- Functions of nucleotides
- DNA (Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid)
- RNA (ribonuclic acid)
Week (9)
- Definition
- Vitamins are classified into
- Fat Soluble Vitamins
- A
- D
- E
- K
Week (10)
- Water Soluble Vitamins
- Vitamin C
- B Vitamins:
- Thiamin — Biotin
- Riboflavin– Pantothenic acid
- Niacin
- B6
- Folate (folic acid)
- B12
Week (11)
- Nomenclature
- Classification
- Isoenzymes
- Allosteric enzymes
- Factors affecting enzyme activity
Week (12)
- Inhibition of enzymes activity
- Regulation of enzyme activity
- Enzymes in clinical diagnosis
Week (13)
Hormones :
- Definition
- Classification
- Mechanism of action
Week (14)
Week (15)
Lab safety
Course title: Lab safety
Intended term: (2)
Course duration: 15 weeks
Lectures: 2 hours per week (30 hours)
Credit hour: 2 hours
This course is intended for medical laboratory science students.
Chemical hygiene, labeling, safety symbols.
Biohazard, avoiding transmission of infectious disease.
Decontaminations of surfaces &equipments.
Safety manual, specimen handling, transporting and storage.
Handling, clearing of glass wares
Electrical hazard, wounds, burn and corrosive materials
First aid
Storage of chemicals, glass wares, reagents and equipments
Laboratory design
Week (12)
Laboratory administration, quality assessment, laboratory procedure manual
Week (13)
Introduction to phlebotomy
Week (14)
Introduction to quality assurance.
الفصل الدراسي الثالث
Intended term : term 3
Course duration : 15 weeks
Lectures : 2 hrs /
Practical : 3 hrs / week duration 15 weeks
This course is intended for medical laboratory science students
General Objectives
By the end of this course , the students is able to :
1- know the procedures adopted to identify and classify bacterial pathogens
2- Understand the basis of action of antimicrobial drugs , the pattern of bacterial resistance , and the methods of antimicrobial .
3- know the laboratory methods used for the isolation , identification , and serological diagnosis of bacterial diseases .
Specific Objectives
By the end of this course , the student should be able to :
1- Know the methods followed in culture of clinical specimens .
2- Know how to prepare culture media , how to store , and how to inoculate them .
3- Know the principles , procedures and reagents selected for the application of biochemical reaction used in the identification of pathogenic isolates .
4- Understand the modes of action of antimicrobial drugs and the procedures of sensitivity testing .
Instructional methods
- Lectures
- Laboratory
- Tutorials
Final examination runs by internal examiners
Evaluation consist of
- MCQs
- Long essay
- Short question
- Practical
- Activities
Week (1)
- Introduction to Microbiology
Week (2)
- Morphology& classification of Microorganisms
Week (3)
- Bacterial nutrition & growth
Week (4)
Preparation of culture media type of culture media ,
Week (5)
- Sterilization & disinfectant
Week (6)
- Cell wall structure of bacteria
Week (7)
- Collection of epecimen and transportation and storage
Week (8)
- Microscopy & staining methods
Week (9)
- Bacterial laboratory method principle of diagnosis
Week (10)
- Bacterial pathogenicity and genetic
Week (11)
Antimicrobial drugs and methods of action of antibiotic
Week (12)
- Bacterial resistance
- Sensitivity testing
Week (13)
Classification of g+ve bacteria and introduction of staphylococcus spp
Week (14)
- revision
Week (15)
class test
Week (1)
Lab safety in microbiology lab
Week (2)
Instrumentation and equipment use in bacteriology lab
Week (3)
Sterilization and disinfection inbacteriology lab
Week (4)
Preparation of culture media
Week (5)
Method of pouring of culture media and type of culture media
Week (6)
Staining method mainly gram stain
Week (7)
capsule stain and spore stain
Week (8)
Z. n stain
Week (10) Biochemical test for g+ve bacteria
Catalase test
Week (11)
Coaggulase test
Week (12)
Biochemical test Monnitol salt agar and DNAas agar
Week (13)
Isolation and identification of staph spp
Week (14)
Week (15)
Class test
Clinical Chemistry -1
Course Title: Introduction to Clinical Chemistry
Course Smester:3
Credit hours: 3
Course duration: (15 weeks)
Course description:
Clinical chemistry terminology, laboratory safety, units, solution, anticoagulants used in clinical chemistry, types, collection, storage, and changes of specimen, chemical analysis, colorimetery, urinary system and urine formation, chemical and physical examination of urine, glucosuria and reducing substances in urine and urine deposits and introduction to quality control.
Course objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to:
- Define the following terms: units, colorimeter, and anticoagulant.
- Convert results from one unit format to another.
- Discuss colorimetry
- Be aware with collection and storage of specimen
- Be aware with laboratory safety
- Discuss urinary system function, disorders and laboratory findings.
- Define quality control.
Course contents (topics):
- Introduction to clinical chemistry, Definitions and terminology, Role in medicine
- Safety in clinical chemistry, precautions and biohazards
- Units of measurements, conventional and SI
- Uses of glassware
- Methods of concentration expression: molarity, normality, percentage.
- Preparation of solutions: from solids and dilution
- Collection, storage and transport of specimens, phlebotomy
- Anticoagulants used in clinical chemistry: types, function, mode of action and uses
- Buffers& PH: definition, PH measurement
- Operation and calibration of colorimeter and spectrophotometer, selection of wavelength
- Urine analysis – 1: urinary system and urine formation, physical & chemical examinations
- Urine analysis – 2: Deposit & microscopic examination
- Urine analysis – 3: Significance& Diagnostic values
- Reducing substances and ketone bodies: Synthesis & Significance
- Uses of glassware
- Safety in clinical chemistry, precautions and biohazards
- Preparation of solutions: from solids and dilution
- Collection, storage and transport of specimens, phlebotomy
- Anticoagulants used in clinical chemistry: types, function, mode of action and uses
- Buffers& PH: definition, PH measurement
- Operation and calibration of colorimeter and spectrophotometer, selection of wavelength
- Urine analysis – 1: Physical examinations
- Urine analysis – 1: Physical examinations
- Urine analysis – 2: Chemical examinations
- Urine analysis – 2: Chemical examinations
- Urine analysis – 3: Deposit & microscopic examination
- Reducing substances and ketone bodies
Hematology -1
Course title: Basic hematology 1
Intended term : (3)
Course duration : 15 weeks
Study hours per week
Lecture : 2 hours
Practical : 3 hours
Credit hours : 3 hours
This course is intended for medical laboratory science students
General Objectives
By the end of this course , the medical laboratory students should be oriented in the hematology laboratory , and able to understand physiological principles of the production , constituents morphology and function of blood . Moreover , he should also be able to perform the basic hematological techniques as a first step in the diagnosis of blood diseases .
Specific Objectives
Upon the completion of the course the students should be able to :
- Understand constituents and physical properties of blood plus safety in the hematology laboratory .
- Understand blood cells development , function and morphology
- Know the structure , types , synthesis , break down and estimation of hemoglobin
- Know the use of anticoagulants and collection of specimens
- Prepare the solutions and stains that used in hematology laboratory
- Count the different types of blood cells and estimate hemoglobin concentration in the blood samples
- Measure P.C.V calculate the absolute values and perform E.S.R
Instructional methods
- Lectures
- Laboratory practical
- Tutorials
Final examinations run by internal examiners
Evaluation consist of :
- M.C.Q : 10%
- Long essays : 20%
- Short questions : 20%
- Practical : 40%
- Oral : 10%
Course description
Week (1)
Introduction to hematology
- Definition , classification and functions
- Constituents and physical properties
Week (2)
Blood collection , storage and transport
- Phlebotomy and anticoagulants
- Storage and transport ^
Week (3)
Origin development of hemopoietic tissues
- Sites and structures
- Activities
Week (4)
Red blood cell production : “Erythropoiesis”
- Definition and promotion
- Regulation and substances needed
Week (5)
Basic hematological techniques :Hemocytometry
- Principle and calculation
Significance and source of errors
Week (6)
Platelet production “Thrombopoiesis”
Definition and promotion
Regulation and substances needed
Week (7)
Red blood cell count
- Principle and reagent
- Procedures and interpretation of results
Week (8)
Hemoglobin Synthesis
Types and structures
Week (9)
Break down
Week (10)
- Packed cell volume
Week (11)
Week (12)
White cell production “Leucopoiesis”
Definition and promotion Regulation and substances needed
Week (13)
Principle and procedures Count and interpretation of results
Platelet normal morphology and function
Week (14)
Blood film examination Macroscopic examination
Week (15)
White blood cell count
- Principle and reagent
- Procedures and interpretation of results
Week (1)
Introduction “Laboratory safety , precautions and restrictions”
Week (2)
Hematology laboratory environment , equipment , apparatuses and basic operations
Week (3)
Preparation of solutions and stains and units of measurement
Week (4)
Differentiation of hemopoieticcells : Red blood cell normal morphology
Week (5)
Blood sample collection and anticoagulants
Week (6)
Week (7)
Red blood cell count 1
Week (8)
Red blood cell count 2
Week (9)
Hemoglobin estimation “cyanomethaemoglobin method”
(10) Hemoglobin curve and chart
Week (11) Packed cell volume
Week (12) Calculation of absolute values
Week (13) Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
Week (14) White blood cell count
Parasitology -1
Course title: Medical Parasitology
Intended term : 3
Course duration : 15 weeks
Practical : 3 hrs per week
Credit hours : 3 hours
By the end of this course medical laboratory student should be able to :
- Demonstrate adequate knowledge about the principles , and to practice the basic parasitological techniques used in the diagnosis of blood parasites .
- Know the biology and epidemiology of Plasmodium spp .as well as the diagnosis of malaria .
- Know the biology diagnosis od different coccidian parasites of man
- Know the biology of ciliated parasites and the laboratory diagnosis of the disease caused by them .
Intructional methods
- Lectures
- Laboratory
- Tutorials
- Seminars
Written and practical examinations held at the end of the two terms (4-5) by internal examiners .
- Written exam : 40%
- Practical exam : 50%
- Assignments , log books , attendance , etc … 10%
Course content
Theoretical sessions
Week (1)
Introduction of medical Parasitology
Week (2)
Classification of parasite and possiple parasite in the sample
Week (3)
Intestinal protozoa entamobahistolytica
Week (4)
giardia lamblia
Week (5)
Balantidium coli
Week (6)
Intestinal coccidian species
Week (7)
Classification of plasmodium
Week (9)
P. vivax
Week (10)
p.malarea and P. ovale
Week (11)
Complication and lab diagnosis of malaria
Week (12)
Sarcocystis ,Penumocysis (lecture)
Week (13)
Week (14)
Week (15)
Class test
Week (1)Lab safty and how to use microscope
Week (2)Normal structure of stool and wet preparation
Week (3)Concentration techniques
Week (4) Lab diagnosis of E. histolytica
Week (5) Lab diagnosis of giardia lamblia
Week (6)Lab diagnosis of B. coli
Week (7)Lab diagnosis of intestinal coocidia
Week (8)Colletion of blood and type of stain
Week (9)How to make blood film and preparation of giemsa stain
Week (10)Lab diagnosis of malaria parasite
Week (11)Lab diagnosis of malaria parasite
Week (12) Lab diagnosis of malaria parasite
Week (13)Presentation
Week (14)Revision
Week (15)Lab examination
Histopathology -1
Title of the course: basic histo- technology
Intended term: three
Course duration: 15 weeks.
Study hours per week: (2 theory+2practical).
Credit hours:3
Pre-requisite course: Histology and anatomy
Course description:
This course will enable the student to perform the common techniques in tissue processing and produce stained sections by using the correct instruments. Instructions on the maintenance of such instrument will be given.
Specific objectives:
Upon completion of this course the student should be able to:
- Understand definition, sources and types of histological specimens.
- Understand and identify methods used in preparation of tissue and cells
3- Explain fixatives and their action in tissue.
4- Understand and identify the decalcification and methods used for decalcification.
5-Understand and identify the processing steps.
6- Understand and identify types of embedding media
7- Understand and identify the frozen section techniques and theirs application.
8- Understand and identify Microtomy and microtomes
9- Understand and identify the material and instrument used in paraffin cut.
10- Understand the adhesives media and their uses
11- Understand and identify the theory of staining and types of staining reaction.
12- Understand and identify the general staining procedure using Hematoxylin and eosin stain.
13- Discuss the mounting media and their uses in preserving stained sections and their types
Weeks | Lectures |
1 | Introduction to histopathology and Work flow in histopathology and cytology lab |
2 | Aim of histopathology and cytology study, methods of tissue and cells preparation (dissociation, smear preparation, sectioning, vital staining and impression method) |
3 | Fixation and fixatives , principles , theoretical aspects , aims and classifications |
4 | Factors involved in fixation, ideal fixatives, bad fixation and fixation of special substances or organs , secondary fixation and preservation of specimens |
5 | Decalcification of bone ,checking the completion of decalcification and treatment following decalcification |
6 | Principles of tissue processing, steps, and factors influencing the rate of tissue processing. |
7 | Embedding media, vacuum impregnation and orientation of tissues. |
8 | frozen techniques (applications, cryostat, freezing microtome, freeze drying and freeze substitution) |
9 | Automatic and manual tissue processing. |
10 | Types of microtomes , types of knives and remedies |
11 | General theory of stain and Methods of coloration |
12 | Basis of staining and factors contributing to tissue dye affinity |
13 | Introduction to Hematoxylin |
14 | Alum Hematoxylin and Eosin |
15 | Hematoxylin and eosin (iron Hematoxylin) , other Hematoxylin and quality control |
16 | Resinous mounting media and other mounting media. |
2-Practical :
Practical | Weeks |
Introduction to histopathology and cytology practice (Instrumentation) | 1 |
The work flow in histopathology and cytology lab | 2 |
Methods of preparation and sample reception and selection | 3 |
Preparation of routine fixatives (10% formalin , 10% formal saline , Carnoy,s and Bouin,s fixatives | 4 |
Preparation of decalcifying solution, decalcification | 5 |
Tests for end point of decalcification | 6 |
Rapid tissue processing | 7 |
Routine tissue processing steps up to impregnation manual and automated | 8 |
Embedding in paraffin wax, blocking | 9 |
Handle with microtome, Cutting by rotary microtome steps up to prepare paraffin cut section | 10 |
Staining with Mayer’s Hematoxylin (progressive) | 11 |
Staining with Harri`s Hematoxylin (regressive) | 12 |
Staining with Harri`s Hematoxylin (progressive) | 13 |
Staining with Cole’s Hematoxylin | 14 |
Staining with Weigert`s Hematoxylin | 15 |
Basic Immunology
Intended term: term 3
Course duration: 15 weeks
Lectures : 2 hrs / duration 15 week s
Credit hours: 2
This course is intended for medical laboratory science students
Instructional methods
- Lectures
- Laboratory
- Tutorials
Final examination runs by internal examiners
Evaluation consist of
- MCQs
- Long essay
- Short question
- Practical
- Activities
Week (1)Introduction to immunology.
Week (2)
Tissue and cell of immune system
Week (3)
Innate and adaptive immunity
Week (4)
Primary and secondary immune response
Week (5)
B & T cell interaction
Week (6)
Week (7)
Antigen presentation
Week (8)
Major histocompatibility complex
Week (9)
T cell
Week (10)
Week (11)
Immunological tests & immune-based investigations
Sensitivity testing
Week (12)
Week (13)
Community Health
Intended term: term 3
Course duration: 14 weeks
Lectures : 2 hrs / duration 15 week s
Credit hours: 2
This course is intended for medical laboratory science students
Instructional methods
- Lectures
- Laboratory
- Tutorials
Final examination runs by internal examiners
Evaluation consist of
- MCQs
- Long essay
- Short question
- Practical
- Activities
Week (1)
Introduction to community medicine.
Week (2)
Health dimension
Week (3)
Health determinants
Week (4)
Dynamic of infectious diseases
Week (5)
Week (6)
Mode of transmission
Week (7)
Week (8)
Diseases control
Week (9)
Diseases prevention
Week (10)
Week (11)
Week (12)
الفصل الدراسي الرابع
Microbiology -2
Intended term : term 4
Course duration : 15 weeks
Lectures : 2 hrs / duration 15 week s
Practical : 3 hrs / week duration 15 weeks
Credit hours: 3
This course is intended for medical laboratory science students
General Objectives
By the end of this course , the students is able to :
1- know the procedures adopted to identify and classify bacterial pathogens
2- Understand the basis of action of antimicrobial drugs , the pattern of bacterial resistance , and the methods of antimicrobial .
3- know the laboratory methods used for the isolation , identification , and serological diagnosis of bacterial diseases .
Specific Objectives
By the end of this course , the student should be able to :
1- Know the methods followed in culture of clinical specimens .
2- Know how to prepare culture media , how to store , and how to inoculate them .
3- Know the principles , procedures and reagents selected for the application of biochemical reaction used in the identification of pathogenic isolates .
4- Understand the modes of action of antimicrobial drugs and the procedures of sensitivity testing .
Instructional methods
- Lectures
- Laboratory
- Tutorials
Final examination runs by internal examiners
Evaluation consist of
- MCQs
- Long essay
- Short question
- Practical
- Activities
Week (1) gram positive cocci
Week (2) streptococcusspp
week(3) gram negative cocci
- Neisseria meningitis
Week (4) Neisseria gonorrhaeae
Week (5) gram positive bacilli
- Listeria monocytogensis
Week (6) Bacillus spp (anthracis ,cerus)
Week (7) Coryne bacterium dipheteriae
Week (8) Clostridium species
Week (9) Clostridium species
Week (10) Clostridium species
Week (11) Nocardia and
Week (12) actinomysisspp
Week (13) classification of enterobacteriacea and general characteristic of it
Week (14) Biochemical test for gram negative bacteria
Week (15) Test class
Week (1) Lab diagnosis of stereptocoocuspyogens
Week(2) Lab diagnosis of streptococcus agalacia
Week (3) Lab diagnosis ofstereptococcus pneumonia
Week (4) Lab diagnosis of other speciese of stereptococcus
Week (5) Lad diagnosis of bacillus spp
Week (6) Lab diadnosis of corynbacterium
Week (7) Biochemical test for gram negative bacteriaOxidase test
Week (8) KIA test and indole test
Week (9) Citrate test and urease test
Week (10) VP test methyl red test
Week (11) Other biochemical test for gram negative bacteria
Week (12) Revision
Week (13) Presentation
Week (14) Class test
Week (15 ) Final examination
Clinical chemistry -2
Course Title: Renal system & Carbohydrates
Course Semester: 4
Credit hours: 3
Prerequisites: Study the following curses:
- General and analytical chemistry
- Biochemistry
- Introduction to clinical chemistry
- Physiology
Course duration: (14-16 weeks)
Course description:
Kidney anatomy, kidney physiology, renal functions test, non protein nitrogenous substances (blood urea, creatine and creatinine, renal clearance, urates, kidney diseases, carbohydrate and blood glucose homeostasis, glucose tolerance, hyperglycaemia and hypoglycaemia, investigation and diagnosis of DM, diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and laboratory findings, glycogen storage disease.
Course objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to:
- Discuss physiology of kidney, mechanisms of fluid maintenance& electrolytes balance.
- Define glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and clearance.
- Define non-proteinnitrogenous substance (NPN).
- Discussrenaldiseases
- discuss urate synthesis, metabolism&abnormalities
- discuss the CHO metabolismdisorders
- discuss blood glucose and hormonal regulation
- define diabetes mellitus (DM), types, methods of investigation and complications
Course contents (topics):
- Renalsystem:anatomy, physiology
- Renalfunction test.
- Renaldiseases:nephritic syndrome, renalfailure.
- Non proteinnitrogenoussubstances:bloodurea.
- Non proteinnitrogenoussubstances:Creatine&creatinine
- Non proteinnitrogenous substances : Urates
- Carbohydrates: metabolism and blood glucose homeostasis.
- Hyperglycemia&hypoglycemia
- Diabetesmellitus
- Investigations and diagnoses of diabetes mellitus
- Glucose tolerance test
- Complication of diabetes
- Glycogenstoragediseases.
- Blood urea (Chemical)
- Blood urea (Enzymatic)
- Serum creatinine (Jaffe)
- Serum creatinine (Kinetic)
- Creatinine clearance
- Creatinine STD curve
- Serum uric acid (Chemical)
- Serum uric acid (Enzymatic)
- Blood glucose (Chemical)
- Blood glucose (Enzymatic)
- HbA1c
Hematology -2
Course title: Immunohematology
Intended term : (6)
Course duration : (15) weeks
Study hours per week :
- Lectures : 2 hours
- Practical : 3 hours
Credit hours : 3 hours per week
This course is intended for medical laboratory science students
General Objectives
By the end of this course , medical laboratory students should be able to understand applications of blood components organization , planning , and management of blood bank plus laboratory diagnosis of blood transfusion complication . Moreover , he should also understand pathophysiology , and laboratory diagnosis of HDN & HTR .
Specific Objectives
Upon the completion of the course the students should be able to :
- Know the different types of blood group systems and do blood grouping .
- Know the approprite and inappropriate uses blood components’ in transfusion .
- Understand the organization , planning and management of blood bank
- Know the prevention , and laboratory diagnosis of blood transfusion complications .
- Perform all investigations intended for safe blood transfusion , laboratory investigation intended to diagnose HDN & HTR .
Instructional methods
- Lectures
- Laboratory practical
- Tutorials
Final examinations run by internal examiners
Evaluation consist of :
- M.C.Q : 10%
- Long essays : 20%
- Short questions : 10%
- Practical : 40%
- Oral : 10%
Course description
The course covers the following subjects
Week (1) introduction to immunohaematology
Week (2) antigens
Week (3) antibodies
Week (4) Ag /Ab reaction
Week (5) complement
Week (6) ABO blood group
Week (7) ABO blood groupsystem
Week (8) tutorial
Week (9) rhesus system
Week (10) rhesus system
Week (11) minorbloodgruop
Red blood cell membrane
Week (12) class test
Week (13) quality control
Week (1) test
Week (2) Platelets normal and abnormal morphologies
Week (3) Platelet count 1
Week (4) Platelet count 2
Week (5) Preparation of stains and Buffers
Week (6) Blood film preparation “spreading”
Week (7) Blood film spreading , fixation and staining
Week (8) Blood film spreading , fixation and staining
Week (9) Blood film examination
Week (10) Differential leucocyte count
Week (11) Abnormal morphology of red cells
Week (12) Abnormal morphology of blood cells
Week (13) Completehaemogram “normal sample”
Week (14) Completehaemogram “normal sample”
Week (15) Completehaemogram “abnormal sample”
Histopathology -2
Title of the course: Special histo- technologies
Intended term: four
Course duration: 16 weeks.
Study hours per week: (2theory +2 practical).
Credit hours:3
Pre-requisite course: Student should know and study Specific objects and practical course of term three and four.
Course description:
By the end of this course medical laboratory student should be oriented in Special staining technique for Protein and nucleic acid, Carbohydrate, pigment, lipids, Connective tissue and microorganism elements either advance or histochemical.
Specific objectives:
Upon the completion of this course the student should be able to:
1. Differentiate between general and special staining technique.
2. Understand and identify the Proteins their structure, function and their diagnostic applications and methods of demonstration.
3. Understand and identify the Nucleic acids, their structure, function and their diagnostic applications and methods of their demonstration.
4. Understand and identify the carbohydrates, their classification and their diagnostic applications and methods for demonstration of glycogen.
5. Understand and identify the mucin, classification, diagnostic applications and methods of demonstration.
6. Understand and identify the amyloid, pathogenicity, classification, diagnostic applications and methods of demonstration.
7. Understand and identify the Connective tissue element, diagnostic applications and methods of demonstration.
8. Understand and identify the Lipids, classification and diagnostic applications and methods of demonstration.
9. Understand and identify the Pigments, classification, diagnostic application and methods of demonstration.
10. Understand and identify different microorganisms that infect tissues and methods of demonstration.
Lectures | Weeks |
Differences between general and special staining techniques | 1 |
Proteins ( classification and methods of demonstration: histochemical and advance methods) | 2 |
Nucleic acids( structure and its diagnostic medical importance) | 3 |
Nucleic acids( methods of demonstration : histochemical and advance methods) | 4 |
Carbohydrates (classification , glycogen normal location, pathological conditions and fixation, methods of demonstration ) | 5 |
Carbohydrates: mucins (types, normal location , pathological applications and methods of demonstration ) | 6 |
Other carbohydrates: starch, cellulose and chitin | 7 |
Connective tissues: (components: cells and intercellular substances; its types: adipose, areolar, dense and cartilages) | 8 |
Connective tissues (collagen and elastic fibers and reticular fiber) ,demonstration and diagnostic applications | 9 |
Pigments: endogenous and mineral (definition , classification and its diagnostic medical importance) | 10 |
Pigments artifact and exogenous : demonstration and diagnostic medical importance | 11 |
Lipids (classification, pathological conditions, and its diagnostic medical importance and methods of demonstration ) | 12 |
Amyloid (definition, Pathogenesis, composition and classification) | 13 |
Demonstration of amyloid (Congo red techniques, metachromatic method and fluorescent and others methods) | 14 |
Microorganism :bacteria , virus and fungi | 15 |
Microorganism :staining technique (bacteria, mycobacterium, fungi) | 16 |
2-Practical :
Practical | Weeks |
Fulgent reaction and Methyl Green Pyronin stain | 1 |
Periodic Schiff’s reaction (PAS) and PAS with diastase | 2 |
Alcian blue for acid mucin | 3 |
PAS technique for neutral mucin | 4 |
Combined Alcian blue and PAS for acid and neutral mucin | 5 |
van Gienson technique for collagen fiber | 6 |
Masson trichrome for collagen fiber | 7 |
Verhoff`s Hematoxylin for elastic fiber | 8 |
Gordon and Sweet’s for reticulin fiber | 9 |
Perl’s Prussian blue for Hemosiderin pigment | 10 |
Schmorl’s reaction for Melanin pigment and Masson-Fontana for Melanin pigment | 11 |
Sudan black methods for lipids | 12 |
High man’s Congo red for amyloid | 13 |
Microorganism staining method : Giemsa and gram stain | 14 |
Microorganism staining method ,:ZN stain | 15 |
Microorganism staining method : silver method for fungi | 16 |
Parasitology -2
Intended term : 4
Course duration : 15 weeks
Credit hours : 2
Practical: 3hrs
This course is intended for medical laboratory science students
General Objectives
By the end of this course medical laboratory students should be able to :
- Understand the role of protozoa in causation of diseases in man .
- Understand the relationship between environment and transmission of protozoa .
- Practice basic laboratory skills that are used in the technology of the diagnosis of parasites
Specific Objectives
By the end of this course , candidates should be able to :
- Demonstrate adequate knowledge and understanding the scope of medical parasitology , together with the basic terminology and definitions as well as the nomenclature of protozoa .
- Know and understand the biology and taxonomy of protozoa .
- Practice the basic skills and techniques for stool examination .
- Demonstrate adequate knowledge about the characteristic and diagnostic features of different intestinal protozoa .
- Demonstrate adequate knowledge and understanding the biology and epidemiology of Leishmania parasite as well as practice the basic techniques applied in the diagnosis of Leishmaniasis .
- Demonstrate adequate knowledge about the biology and epidemiology of trypanosome parasite as well as to practice the basic techniques applied in the diagnosis of different types of trypanosomiasis .
Instructional methods
- Lectures
- Laboratory
- Tutorials
- Seminars
Written and practical examinations held at the end of the two terms (3-4) by internal examiners .
Written exam : 40%
Practical exam: 50%
Assignments, log books, attendance, etc … 10%
Course content
Week (1) Blood and tissues protozoa classification
Week (2) Trypanosome I (African trypanosomiasis)
Week (3) Trypanosome II (American Trypanosomiasis)
Week (4) Lieshmania parasite classification
Week (5) Leishmania II (Visceral Leishmaniasis )
Week (6) Leishmania I (coetaneous Leishmaniasis and mucocoeteous
Week (7) Trichomonas vaginalis
Week (8) Toxoplasma gondii
Week (9) Babasiaspp
Week (10) Introduction for helminthes
Week (11) Presentation
Week (12) Revision
Week (13) Presentation
Week (14) Presentation )
Week (15) Class test
Week (1) Type of stain for blood specimen
Week (2) Lab diagnosis of African trypanosomasis
Week (3) Lab diagnosis of American trypanosomasis
Week (4) Lab diagnosis of visceral leishmanasis
Week (5) Lab diagnosis of cutanoeus and mucocutianousleishmanasis
Week (6) Lab diagnosis of trichmonas vaginalis
Week (7) Lab diagnosis of toxoplasma gondii
Week (8) Lab diagnosis of babesiaspp
Week (9) Intestinal parasites (Seminar)
Week (10) Leishmania I (coetaneous Leishmaniasis) – seminar
Week (11) Leishmania II (Visceral Leishmaniasis ) – seminar
Week (12) reviw
Week (13) Presentation
Week (14) Plasmodium sppreviw
Week (15) Class test
General Pathology
Course title : General Pathology
Intended term: (4)
Course duration : 14 weeks
Credit hours: 2 hours
This course is intended for medical laboratory science students
General Objectives
By the end of this course medical laboratory students should understand pathological terminology, nomenclature, and laboratory investigations intended to diagnose these types of tumor.
Week (1) Cell Injury degenerating necrosis
Week (2) Inflammation
Week (3) Acute inflammation
Week (4) Chronic inflammation
Week (5) Tissue Repair
Week (6) Neoplasia
Week (7) Types of tumors
Week (8) Benign tumors
Week (9) Malignant tumors
Week (10) Pathology of female reproductive tract
Week (11) Pathology of male reproductive tract
Week (12) Pathology of body fluids
Week (13) Tutorial
Week (14) Rivision
Course title: Epidemiology
Intended term: term 4
Course duration: 14 weeks
Lectures : 2 hrs / duration 15 week s
Credit hours: 2 hours
This course is intended for medical laboratory science students
Instructional methods
- Lectures
- Laboratory
- Tutorials
Final examination runs by internal examiners
Evaluation consist of
- MCQs
- Long essay
- Short question
- Practical
- Activities
Week (1) Introduction .
Week (2) Morbidity calculation
Week (3) Mortality calculation
Week (4) Survey
Week (5) Study design
Week (6) Cross-section
Week (7) Case-control
Week (8) Cohort
Week (9) Experimental
Week (10) Outbreak investigation
Week (11) Surveillance
Week (12) Tutorial
Week (13) Test
الفصل الدراسي الخامس
Microbiology -3
Intended term : term 5
Course duration : 15 weeks
Lectures : 2 hrs / duration 15 week s
Practical : 3 hrs / week duration 15 weeks
Credit hours: 3
This course is intended for medical laboratory science students
General Objectives
By the end of this course , the students is able to :
1- know the procedures adopted to identify and classify bacterial pathogens .
2- Understand the basis of action of antimicrobial drugs , the pattern of bacterial resistance , and the methods of antimicrobial .
3- know the laboratory methods used for the isolation , identification , and serological diagnosis of bacterial diseases .
Specific Objectives
By the end of this course , the student should be able to :
1- Know the methods followed in culture of clinical specimens .
2- Know how to prepare culture media , how to store , and how to inoculate them .
3- Know the principles , procedures and reagents selected for the application of biochemical reaction used in the identification of pathogenic isolates .
4- Understand the modes of action of antimicrobial drugs and the procedures of sensitivity testing .
Instructional methods
- Lectures
- Laboratory
- Tutorials
Final examination runs by internal examiners
Evaluation consist of
- MCQs
- Long essay
- Short question
- Practical
- Activities
Week (1)
Week (2)
Week (3)
citrobacter ,enterobacter ,serraciaspp
Week (4)
Week (5)
Week (6)
- Yersseniaspp
Week (7)
- Vibrio spp
Week (8)
- Bacteroids
Week (9)
Week (10)
Bordetela and pasturllaspp
Week (11)
Brucella spp
Week (12)
Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mucobacteriumlepry
Week (13)
Campylobacter and helicobacter
Week (14)
Week (15)
Week (1)
Lab diagnosis of E. coli
Week (2)
Lab diagnosis of klebseilla pneumonia
Week (3)
Lab diagnosis of citrobacter
Week (4)
diagnosis of enterobacter
Week (5 )
Lab diagnosis of serraciaspp
Week (6)
Lab diagnosis of shigellaspp
Lab diagnosis if salmonella spp
Lab diagnosis of proteusspp
Lab diagnosis of pseodomanasspp
Week (10)
Lab diagnosis of vibrio cholera
Lab diagnosis of brucellaspp
Week (12)
Lab diagnosis of mycobacterium tuberculosis
Week (13)
Lab diagnosis of compylobacter and helicobacter
Week (14)
Week (15)
Class test
Clinical Chemistry -3
Course Title: Iiver & plasma proteins
Course Semester: 5
Credit hours: 3
Prerequisites: Study the following curses:
- General and analytical chemistry
- Biochemistry
- Introduction to clinical chemistry
- Physiology
Course duration: (14-16 week)
Course description:
Liver physiology, synthetic and storage function of liver, excretory and detoxifying function of liver, urine bile, urobilinogen and bile salts, investigation and laboratory findings of jaundice, hepatitis and cirrhosis, cholestasis and gall stone, plasma total proteins, bilirubin metabolism, calcium, phosphorus.
Course objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should able to:
- Discuss liver anatomy, and physiology
- Be familiar with liver diseases `and formation of gall stones
- Discuss major electrolytes: calcium, phosphate
- Describe the structures and general properties of proteins
- Outline protein synthesis and catabolism
- Briefly discuss the function and clinical significance of proteins
Course contents (topics):
- Liver anatomy and physiology
- Liver function
- Classification of jaundice
- Liver diseases
- Assessment of liver function
- Enzyme test in liver disease
- Calcium
- Phosphorus
- Plasma proteins: classification&synthesis.
- Plasma proteins:metabolism&functions
- Plasma proteins: disorders& method of separation
- Plasma proteins:Albumin, globulins and fibrinogen
- Methods of protein estimation: chemical&refractometry
- Total plasma protein (biuret commercial)
- Total plasma protein (biuret prepared)
- Protein STD curve
- Albumin (BCG)
- Albumin STD curve
- Globulin
- Serum bilirubin
- Liver enzymes (AST)
- Liver enzymes (ALT)
- Liver enzymes (ALP)
- Serum calcium
- Serum phosphorus
Clinical Immunology
Intended term: term 5
Course duration: 15 weeks
Lectures : 2 hrs / duration 15 week s
Credit hours: 2
This course is intended for medical laboratory science students
Instructional methods
- Lectures
- Laboratory
- Tutorials
Final examination runs by internal examiners
Evaluation consist of
- MCQs
- Long essay
- Short question
- Practical
- Activities
Week (1)Immunoregulation and Tolerance.
Week (2) Autoimmune disease & hypersensitivity
Week (3) Hypersensitivity
Week (4) Autoimmune disease – SLE
Week (5) Diabetes mellitus
Week (6) Hashemotosthyroditis
Week (7) Mycenia gravis
Week (8) Immunity to infectious disease
Week (9) Immunity to tumors
Week (10)Transplantation
Week (11)Immunological tests & immune-based investigations
Week (12) Tutorial
Week (13) Test
Hematology -3
Course title : Red Blood Cell Disorders
Intended term 5
Course duration : 15 weeks
Credit hours: 3 hours
This course is intended for medical laboratory science students
General Objectives
By the end of this course medical laboratory students should Understand pathophysiology , mechanism , and laboratory investigations intended to diagnose these types of anemias .
Specific Objectives
Upon the completion of the course the student should be able to :
- Understand pathophysiology and laboratory diagnosis of Iron deficiency anaemia .
- Understand pathophysiology and laboratory diagnosis of megaloblastic anaemia .
- Understand pathophsiology and laboratory diagnosis of haemolyticanaemia .
- Know the laboratory methods that used to diagnose the above-mentioned types of anemia .
- Perform laboratory tests intended to screen and confirm all these types of anaemia
Instructional methods
- Lectures
- Laboratory Practical
- Tutorials
Final examinations by examiners , the evaluation consist of :
M.C.Q : 10%
Short constructive questions : 20%
Practical : 40%
Oral : 10%
Course description
The course covers the following subjects
Week (1) RBCs membrane
Week (2) RBCs metabolism
Week (3)Abnormal RBCs morphology
Week (4) RBCs inclusion bodies
Week (5)Introduction to anemia
Week (6) Iron deficiency anemia
Week (7) Sidroblastic anemia
Week (8) Anemia of chronic disease & lead poisoning
Week (9) Introduction to hemolytic anemia
Week (10) Sickle cell anemia
Week (11) Thalassaemia
Week (12) Acquired hemolytic anemia
Week (13)A plastic anemia
Week (14) Hemolytic anemia due to external defect Autoimmune and drug induced hemolytic anemia
Week (15) Diagnosis of acquired hemolytic anemia Hematological findingsImmunoassay
Week (1) Completehemogram (normal samples)
Week (2) Completehemogram (iron deficient samples)
Week (3) Peripheral blood and bone marrow spots
Week (4) Assessment of serum iron and IBC
Week (5) Iron stain
Week (6) Completehaemogram (vitamin B12 & folic deficient samples)
Week (7) Peripheral blood and bone marrow spots
Week (8) Assessment of serum vit B12
Week (9) Assessment of serum folic acid
Week (10) Reticulocyte count
Week (11) Osmotic fragility test
Week (12) Osmotic fragility test (24hours incubation)
Week (13) G6PD screening test
Week (14) Pyrovate kinase assessment
Week (15) Direct anti globulin test
Molecular biology -1
Course title: Molecular biology 1
Intended term : 5
Course duration : 15 weeks
Credit hours : 2
Practical: 2hrs
This course is intended for medical laboratory science students
General Objectives
By the end of this course medical laboratory students should be able to :
- Understand the principle of molecular biology terminology.
- Understand the principle of molecular biology techniques.
- Understand the principle of molecular biology application in medical field.
Week (1) General introduction, definitions of terminology& History
Week (2) DNA structure and function
Week (3) RNA structure and function
Week (4) DNA Replication
Week (5) RNA Transcription
Week (6) post transcription
Week (7) genetic code and Translation
Week (8) post translation and Restriction Enzymes
Week (9) mutation
Week (10) application of molecular biology Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
Week (11) gelelectrophorasis (requirement and preparation and function)
Week (12) Regulation
Week (13) Presentation
Week (14) Revision
Week (15) Class test
Histopathology -3
Title of the course: Special histo- technologies
Intended term: Five
Course duration: 15 weeks.
Study hours per week: (2theory +2 practical).
Credit hours: 3
Pre-requisite course: Student should know and study Specific objects and practical course of term three and four.
Course description:
By the end of this course medical laboratory student should be oriented in Special staining technique for Protein and nucleic acid, Carbohydrate, pigment, lipids, Connective tissue and microorganism elements either advance or histochemical.
Specific objectives:
Upon the completion of this course the student should be able to:
1. Differentiate between general and special staining technique.
2. Understand and identify the Proteins their structure, function and their diagnostic applications and methods of demonstration.
3. Understand and identify the Nucleic acids, their structure, function and their diagnostic applications and methods of their demonstration.
4. Understand and identify the carbohydrates, their classification and their diagnostic applications and methods for demonstration of glycogen.
5. Understand and identify the mucin, classification, diagnostic applications and methods of demonstration.
6. Understand and identify the amyloid, pathogenicity, classification, diagnostic applications and methods of demonstration.
7. Understand and identify the Connective tissue element, diagnostic applications and methods of demonstration.
8. Understand and identify the Lipids, classification and diagnostic applications and methods of demonstration.
9. Understand and identify the Pigments, classification, diagnostic application and methods of demonstration.
10. Understand and identify different microorganisms that infect tissues and methods of demonstration.
Lectures | Weeks |
Differences between general and special staining techniques | 1 |
Proteins ( classification and methods of demonstration: histochemical and advance methods) | 2 |
Nucleic acids( structure and its diagnostic medical importance) | 3 |
Nucleic acids( methods of demonstration : histochemical and advance methods) | 4 |
Carbohydrates (classification , glycogen normal location, pathological conditions and fixation, methods of demonstration ) | 5 |
Carbohydrates: mucins (types, normal location , pathological applications and methods of demonstration ) | 6 |
Other carbohydrates: starch, cellulose and chitin | 7 |
Connective tissues: (components: cells and intercellular substances; its types: adipose, areolar, dense and cartilages) | 8 |
Connective tissues (collagen and elastic fibers and reticular fiber) ,demonstration and diagnostic applications | 9 |
Pigments: endogenous and mineral (definition , classification and its diagnostic medical importance) | 10 |
Pigments artifact and exogenous : demonstration and diagnostic medical importance | 11 |
Lipids (classification, pathological conditions, and its diagnostic medical importance and methods of demonstration ) | 12 |
Amyloid (definition, Pathogenesis, composition and classification) | 13 |
Demonstration of amyloid (Congo red techniques, metachromatic method and fluorescent and others methods) | 14 |
Microorganism :bacteria , virus and fungi | 15 |
Microorganism :staining technique (bacteria, mycobacterium, fungi) | 16 |
2-Practical :
Practical | Weeks |
Fulgent reaction and Methyl Green Pyronin stain | 1 |
Periodic Schiff’s reaction (PAS) and PAS with diastase | 2 |
Alcian blue for acid mucin | 3 |
PAS technique for neutral mucin | 4 |
Combined Alcian blue and PAS for acid and neutral mucin | 5 |
van Gienson technique for collagen fiber | 6 |
Masson trichrome for collagen fiber | 7 |
Verhoff`s Hematoxylin for elastic fiber | 8 |
Gordon and Sweet’s for reticulin fiber | 9 |
Perl’s Prussian blue for Hemosiderin pigment | 10 |
Schmorl’s reaction for Melanin pigment and Masson-Fontana for Melanin pigment | 11 |
Sudan black methods for lipids | 12 |
High man’s Congo red for amyloid | 13 |
Microorganism staining method : Giemsa and gram stain | 14 |
Microorganism staining method ,:ZN stain | 15 |
Microorganism staining method : silver method for fungi | 16 |
Parasitology -3
course title : Helminthology
Intended term : (5)
Course duration : (15) weeks
Lectures : 2 hours per week
Practical : 3 hours per week
Credit hours : 3 hours
This course is intended for medical laboratory science students
General Objectives
By the end of this course , medical laboratory students should be able to :
Understand the pathogenicty of parasites of medical importance
Understand the features and transmission methods of parasitic diseases
Know the technical procedures employed in the diagnosis of parasitic infections in the laboratory .
Specific Objectives
By the end of this course the students should be able to :
1.Understand the taxonomy and morphology of helminthes
2.Understand the factors affecting nutrition , growth and methods of reproduction and multiplication of platyheminthes of medical importance
3.Understand the pathogenicity and toxin production of platyheminthes of medical importance .
4.Understand the features and spread of platyeminthes .
5.Know the laboratory techniques use for platyheminthesdiagnosis .
Instructional methods
Final examinations run by internal examiners
The evaluation consists of :
M.C.Q : 10%
Long essays : 20%
Short questions : 10%
Practical : 50%
Oral : 10%
Course Content
The course covers the following subjects
Lectures :
Week (1) Introduction to Heminthology (Classification)
Week (2) Cestod (Introduction and classification)
Week (3) Taeniasaginata
Week (4) Taeniasolium ,Hymenolipes nana , Hymenolipesdeminuta
Week (5) Echinococusgranulosus
Week (6) Diphylobothriumlatum and diphilidumcaninum
Week (7) Clasifiation of tematode and schistosomahaematobium
Week (8) Schistosoma japonicum& Schistosoma intercalatum
Week (9) Schistosoma mansoni
Week (10) Faciolahepatia and faciolagigentica
Week (11) faciolopsisbuski
Week (12) Paragonimus spp
Week (13) Clonochissinensisanddicrocelum dendiriticum
Week (14) Revision
Week (15) Class test
Including the principal laboratory techniques and diagnostic measures :
Week (1) Orientation to Helminthology diagnosis
Week (2) Lab diagnosis of tinea spp
Week (3) Lab diagnosis of H. nana and diminuta
Week (4) Lab diagnosis of diphylobothriumlatum and D. caninum
Week (5) Lab diagnosis ofSchistosoma haematobium ova and snail
Week (6) laboratory diagnosis of schistosomiasismansoni and japonicum
Week (7) Lab diagnosis ofFasciolahepatica , and Fasciola gigantic
Week (8) Lab diagnosis of Fsciolopsisbuski
Week (9) Lab diagnosis of Chlonorchessienensisall stages
Week (10) Lab diagnosis of Paragonimus westermani all stages
Week (11) Lab diagnosis of dicrocellum dendiriticum
Week (12) Presentation
Week (13) Presentation
Week (14) Revision
Week (15) Class test
الفصل الدراسي السادس
Microbiology -4
Course title : Medical Virology
Intended term : term (6)
Course duration : 15 weeks
Lectures : 2 hrs /week duration 15 week
Practical : 3 hrs /week duration 15 week
Credit hours: 3 hours
This course is intended for medical laboratory science students
General Objectives
By the end of this course medical laboratory students should be able to :
1. Know the basic features and nature of bacteria and other micro-organisms
2. Understand the morphology classification growth , genetics and nutrition of media bacteria .
3. know the basis of safety in microbiology as well as the source of laboratory infections , principles of good laboratory practices , personal safety precautions , and WHO standards for microbiology safety .
4. Know how to sterilize and disinfect glassware and materials used in the laboratory .
5. Understand the principles of instrumentation employed in microbiology laboratory .
Course contents
Week (1)
Introduction to medical viruses / General properties of viruses
Week (2)
Viral structure / Viral classification
Week (3)
Pathogenicity of medical viruses / Vital genetic and replication
Week (4)
Collection , transport and storage of viral specimens
Laboratory diagnosis of viral infection
Week (5)
Virus isolation / Cell culture techniques
Week (6)
Week (7)
Week (8)
Arthropod-borne virus (1) / Arthropod-borne virus (2)
Week (9)
Influenza viruses / Parainlfuenza viruses
Week (10)
Arboviruses / Measles and Rubella viruses
Week (11)
Enteroviruses (1) / Enteroviruses (2)
Week (12)
Poxviruses / Oncogenic viruses
Week (13)
Rabies viruses / Laboratory diagnosis of rabies
Week (14)
Hepatitis /Laboratory diagnosis of viral hepatitis
Week (15)
HIV virus / AIDS
Week (1) Biosafty level and biosaftycabinate in virology lab
Week (2) Specimen processing for viral diagnosis
Week (3) Diagnostic method in virology direct diagnosis
Week (4) Virus isolation cell culture indirct method
Week (5) Cytopathic effect
Week (6) Virus isolation embryonated eggs
Week (7) Heamoagglutinationtesr
Week (8) Haemoagglutination inhibition
Week (9) Serology test ELISA test
Week (10) Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
Week (11) Western blot techniques
Week(12) Immunoflourecence techniques
Week (13 ) Test class
Week (14 ) Presentation
Clinical chemistry -4
Course Title: plasma lipids& body fluids and electrolytes
Course Semester: 6
Credit hours: 3
Prerequisites: Study the following curses:
- General and analytical chemistry
- Biochemistry
- Introduction to clinical chemistry
- Physiology
Course duration: (14-16 week)
Course description:
Classification and function of lipids, metabolism and disorders of triglycerides and cholesterol, classification, functions, metabolism and disorders of lipoproteins, 24 hours urine analysis, water and electrolytes regulation, sodium, potassium, flame photometry, formation and handling of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), biochemical investigation of CSF and other fluids, hydrogen ion homeostasis and disturbance of acid-base balance.
Course objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should able to:
- Classify lipids
- Discuss lipids functions
- Discuss lipids metabolism and disorders
- Define lipoproteins, their metabolism and disorders
- Discuss hydrogen ion homeostasis and acid-base balance
- Discuss major electrolytes: sodium, potassium& phosphate, and some minor electrolytes
- Discuss biochemical examinations of body fluids
Course contents (topics):
- Lipids classification and functions
- Cholesterol metabolism and disorders
- Triglycerides metabolism and disorders
- Lipoproteins metabolism
- Lipoproteins disorders
- Water and electrolytes regulation: Sodium
- Water and electrolytes regulation: Potassium
- Electrolytes regulation: chloride, bicarbonate, magnesium
- Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) formation and handling
- Biochemical investigation of CSF
- Ascetic, plural, synovial, amniotic & semen fluids
- Flame photometry
- Hydrogen ion homeostasis
- Disturbance of acid – base balance
- Serum total cholesterol
- Serum triglycerides
- Serum HDL cholesterol
- Serum LDL cholesterol
- Flame photometer
- CSF analysis
- Reconcentration curve (creatinine)
- Reconcentration curve (protein)
- 24hr protein
- Serum magnesium
- Examination of serous fluids
- Examination of seminal fluid
- Examination of synovial fluid
- Examination of amniotic fluid
Course title: Medical Mycology
Intended term : (6)
Coursduration : 12 weeks
Lectures : 2 hrs / week duration 12 weeks
Credit hour: 2 hours
Practical : 3 hrs / week duration 12 weeks
Credit hours: 3 hours
This cours is intended for medical laboratory sciences students .
Instructional methods :
- Lectures
- Tutorials
Evaluation :
Final examination runs by internal examiners.
Evaluation consists of :
- M CQs
- Long essays
- Short question
- Practical
- Activities.
General objectives :
By the end of this course , medical laboratory students should be able to :
1. Know the properties, features, and pathogenesis of fungal pathogens .
2. Perform the various technical methods used in the laboratory diagnosis of fungal infection
Specific objectives:
1. Understand taxonomy & structure of medical fungi
2. Perform the laboratory diagnosis m, of cutaneous & able to perform diagnosis.
3. Understand general features of Malasszia furfur & able to perform diagnosis
4. Perform laboratory diagnosis of Aspergillus, Histoplasam, Caniada, &Blastomyces .
Week 1:introduction of fungi
- Fungi classification
Week 2:
Fungi growth& classification
Week3 :
Pathogenicity , toxin production & allergies
Week 4 :
Laboratory diagnosis & fungal disease
Week5 :
Antifungal therapy
Week (6)
superfacial mycosis
Week (6)
Malassezia furfur
Week (7)
dermatophyte fungi
Week (8)
dermatophyte fungi
Week (9)
dermatophyte fungi
Week (10)
Week (11)
Week (12)
Week (13 )
test class
Hematology -4
Intended term : (7)
Course duration :15 weeks
Study hours per week
Lecture :2 hours
Practical : 3 hours
Credit hours: 3 hours
This corusis intended for medical laboratory science students
General objectives
By the end this course , the medical laboratory students be able to understand the component and mechanism of the coagulation system plus patheophysiology and laboratory diagnosis to be perform laboratory investigation that used to diagnose the diagnose or problems associated with haemostasis
Specific objectives
Upon the completion of the cours the students should be able to :
Know the component, promotion ,and regulation of coagulation system .
Know the policy of investigation bleeding tendency .
Perform first line investigation (PT,APTT,and TT) and second line investigation .
Instructional methods
Laboratory Practical
Final examination run by internal examiners .
Evaluation consist of :
M .C .Q:10%
Long essays : 20 %
Short questions : 20%
Practical : 40 %
Oral : 10%
Week (1) introduction to coagulation disorders
Week (2) platelet disorder
Week (3) coagulation disorder
Week (4) acquired coagulation disorder
Week (5) thrombosis
Week (6) tutorial
Week (7) class test
Week (8) benign WBCS disorder
Week (9) introduction to leukaemia and acute myeloid leukemia
Week (10) chronic myeloid leukaemia
Week (11) chronic lymphatic leukaemia
Week (12) multiple myeloma and lymphoma
Week (13) tutorial
Week (14) test class
Week (1)
Red Introductory laboratory , Objectives , Restriction , and plan
Week (2)
Preparation of reagents
Week (3)
ABO grouping (direct and indirect) , Slide & Tube methods
Week (4)
Rhesus phenotype and genotyping
Week (5)
Coombs’ test – Direct Coombs’ test – Indirect Coomb’s test
Week (6)
Du method
Week (7)
Quality control
Week (8)
Blood bank techniques : Saline technique
Week (9)
Blood bank techniques : Albumin technique
Week (10)
Blood bank techniques : Enzyme technique
Week (11)
Cross-matching : Direct (forward) and Indirect (reverse) cross-matching
Week (12)
Antibody screening
Week (13)
Antibody identification
Week (14) Antibody titration
Histopathology -4
Title of the course: Cytopathology 1
Intended term: six
Course duration: 16 weeks.
Study hours per week: (2 theory + 2 practical).
Credit hours:3
Pre-requisite course: Student should know and study Specific objects and practical course in term three and four and five
Course description :
At the end of this course medical laboratory student should demonstrate knowledge of Cytology definition, types of cytological specimen, preparation of slide for microscopic studies, stains used and should be able to describe and identify normal and abnormal cellular changes in cytological samples of female genital tract under the microscope.
Specific objective:
Upon the completion of this course the student should be able to:
1- Discuss the aim, history of cytology and types of cytological specimen.
2- Know the theoretical and practical aspects of collection, processing, fixation and preservation of different types of biological specimen for cytology analysis.
3- Know the theoretical and practical aspects for different staining methods of cytological smears
4- Know the theoretical and practical aspects for demonstration of sex chromatin, bar bodies in buckle smears and blood films
5- Describe and identify normal cellular component of cervical smears
6-Explain hormonal changes of females and their effect on cervical cytology.
7- Describe and identify abnormal cellular component of cervical smears
8- Discuss cervical screening program and adjacent test of HPV.
Lectures | Weeks |
The study of basic concepts and history of Cytology | 1 |
Collection and Preparation of Samples ( Fixation, fixatives for cytological samples, liquid base versus conventional) | 2 |
Collection and Preparation of Samples (specimen adequacy, female genital tract) | 3 |
Collection and Preparation of Samples (Respiratory system, Urinary System , GIT, body fluid and serous effusion) | 4 |
Collection and Preparation of Samples (FNA, cell block, mailing of cytology sample) | 5 |
Staining – Principles, Preparation of reagents, techniques (H&E, Papanicolaou’s stain , May – Grunewald Giemsa stain , diff quick) | 6 |
Anatomy, histology, physiology and normal cytology of the female genital tract | 7 |
Hormonal Cytology: (Correlation of structure of female genital tract & ovarian hormones – hormonal influences on cytology) | 8 |
Hormonal Cytology (Various Cytological indices eg: Maturation Index Karyopyknotic Index , Maturation Value) | 9 |
Infections and inflammation of female genital tract, | 10 |
Human Papilloma virus correlation for neoplasm’s , HPV vaccination program | 11 |
Dyskaryosis or Dysplasia (Low grade, High grade of squamous intra epithelial lesions), Ca-in-situ, sq. Cell carcinoma and adeno-carcinoma of endocervix. | 12 |
Radiation and contraceptive effects on cells | 13 |
Endometrium (normal and abnormal conditions) ,other female genital neoplasm’s (ovarian, valve, vagina and fallopian tubes) | 14 |
Cytological screening of cervical cancer and other organ screening programs, Evaluation and follow-up) | 15 |
Report and Bethesda system | 16 |
2-Practical sessions
Practical | Weeks |
Preparation of cytological fixatives | 1 |
Sample collection and processing (buckle smear, cervical smear, urine sample, sputum, body fluid) | 2 |
Staining of cytological sample (Harris hematoxylin and eosin) | 3 |
Staining of cytological sample (Papanicolau stain) | 4 |
Staining of cytological sample (May – Grunewald Giemsa stain) | 5 |
Staining of cytological sample (Diff quick) | 6 |
demonstration of sex chromatin, barr bodies in buckle smears and blood films | 7 |
Morphology of normal cervical pap smear | 8 |
Morphology of cervical cells in different hormonal stages and maturation index | 9 |
Morphology of inflammatory cells and infections in cervical pap smear | 10 |
Morphology of abnormal cervical pap smear Dyskaryosis (Low grade , High grade of squamous intra epithelial lesions ), | 11 |
Sqa Cell carcinoma and adeno-carcinoma of endocervix) | 12 |
Morphology of other female genital tract neoplasm’s | 13 |
Radiation changes | 14 |
Laboratory management & Quality assurance
Intended term : (7)
Course duration :15 weeks
Lecture :2 hours
Credit hours: 2 hours
This course is intended for medical laboratory science students
General objectives
By the end this course , the medical laboratory students be able to understand the component and of quality control and laboratory managements in order to perform true laboratory investigation results .
Specific objectives
Upon the completion of the course the students should be able to:
1- Know the component, promotion, and procedures of quality control.
2-Know the policy of the laboratory investigations.
3- Know how to minimize the lab errors results.
Instructional methods
Laboratory Practical
Final examination runs by internal examiners.
M .C .Q
Long essays
Short questions
Week (1)
Introduction to quality control & quality assurance.
Week (2)
Importance of quality control.
Week (3)
Internal and external quality control
Week (4)
Types of control materials
Week (5)
Types of errors
Week (6)
Rejection criteria
Week (7)
Specimen management
Week (8)
Choice of method
Week (9)
Reliability of test results (Accuracy &precision)
Week (10)
SOPS (Standard Operating Procedures)
Week (11)
Quality control in microbiology.
Week (12)
Quality control in histopathology.
Week (13)
Quality control in hematology.
Week (14)
Quality control in Parasitology.
Week (15)
Quality control in clinical chemistry.
Course title: Introduction to pharmacology
Intended term : (6)
Course duration :15 weeks
Study hours per week
Lecture :2 hours
Credit hours : 2 hours
This course is intended for medical laboratory science students
General Objectives
By the end of this course, the student is able to:
1- Know the mechanism of drug interaction and their effects.
2- Understand the basis of action of antimicrobial drugs, the pattern of bacterial resistance, and the methods of antimicrobial drug action.
3- Know the laboratory methods used for sensitivity test of isolated bacteria
Specific Objectives
By the end of this course, the student should be able to:
1- Understand the basic principles of the action of drugs and their effects in the body.
2- Understand the basic principles of drug metabolism in the human body.
3- Understand the basic principles of drug toxicity.
4- Understand the modes of action of antimicrobial drugs and the procedures of sensitivity testing.
Instructional methods
- Lectures
- Laboratory
- Tutorials
Final examination runs by internal examiners
- MCQs
- Long essay
- Short question
- Practical
Week (1)
Definitions of terminologies used.
Week (2)
Sources of drugs.
Week (3)
Nomenclature of drugs.
Week (4)
Types of drugs.
Week (5)
Routes of administration.
Week (6)
Week (7)
Week (8)
Targets of drug action
Week (9)
Factors modifying dosage and drug action
Week (10)
Classification of drugs
Week (11)
Drugs acting on autonomic nervous system
Week (12)
Drugs affecting hematopoietic system
Week (13)
الفصل الدراسي السابع
مواد لكل تخصص
Intended term : (7)
Course duration :15 weeks
Study hours per week
Lecture :2 hours
Credit hours: 2 hours
This course is intended for medical laboratory science students
General objectives
By the end this course, the medical laboratory students be able to understand the concepts and fundamental information of geneticsand human molecular genetics and gene diseases.
Specific objectives
Upon the completion of the course the students should be able to :
Know human genetics and related knowledge of human genetic normal and abnormal function.
Know genetic disease that exist and investigation could be done .
Know genetic basis of oncology, hematological and other genetic disorders.
Instructional methods
Laboratory Practical
Final examination run by internal examiners .
Evaluation consist of :
M .C .Q:10%
Long essays : 20 %
Short questions : 20%
Practical : 40 %
Oral : 10%
Week (1)
Week (2)
Genetic material & chromosome structure
Week (3)
Cell division &crossing over
Week (4)
Week (5)
Week (6)
Genetic code and translation
Week (7)
Week (8)
Mendelian genetics
Week (9)
Chromosomal inheritance and abnormalities
Week (10)
Genetic diversity
Week (11)
Population genetics
Week (12)
Gene mapping
Week (13)
Genetic diseases -1
Week (14)
Genetic diseases-2
Week (15)
Human gene therapy
Forensic & Toxicology laboratory
Course Title :Forensic laboratory
Credit hours: 2
Contact hours: 2hr per week
General Course Objectives:
(General learning outcomes expected from this course)
To acquire basic medical and laboratory knowledge and skills concerning the main areas and branches of forensic medical sciences and toxicology.
Specific Course Objectives:
By the end of this course the student should be able to:
- Discuss and describe the histological, serological and chemical tests used in the establishment of identity of human remains.
- Discuss post-mortem chemistry and the use of vitreous humour chemistry in timing death.
- Describe the role of forensic laboratory scientist in crime scene investigation.
- Describe types of wounds and discuss diagnosis and dating of wounds byhistological andhistochemical methods.
- Discuss laboratory aspects of injuries by burns, scalds, electrification and lightning.
- Define drowning, discuss and describe chemical and histological changes in the blood in drowning and the role of diatoms in the diagnosis of drowning.
- Discuss and describe the laboratory intervention in different types of sexual offences.
- Discuss and describe the laboratory aspects of deaths associated with pregnancy and abortion and diagnosis of abortificiant drugs in living victims.
- Discuss the laboratory finding of sudden death.
- Discuss and describe the concept of the fatal dose, variations in published fatal poison concentrations, the collection of autopsy samples fortoxicological analysis, containers for toxicology samples, preservatives in samples, the site of sampling for toxicological analysis and the technique of obtaining autopsy samples.
- Discuss forensic aspects of alcohol.
- Describe the causes and blood analysis in carbon monoxide poisoning.
- Discuss agrochemical poisoning.
- Describe the laboratory role in poisoning by medicine.
- Discuss lab analysis of poisoning and death due to narcotic andhallucinogenic drugs.
- Identify and Discuss laboratory aspects of corrosive and metallic poisoning.
- Describe technical methods used for forensic purposes like diatom technique in suspected drowning and samples and controls needed for DNA profiling.
- Describe the laboratory tools used in forensic science.
Course Structure:
- Lectures, Seminars, Tutorials, etc.
- Practical:
- Other Clinical Activities:(e.g. journal clubs, laboratory seminars etc. Specify frequency and suggested topics; problem-based learning session).
- Continuous evaluation:
- Number of Hours and Methods of Teaching:
- Evaluation Methods:
- Written Examination:
- Practical Examination:
Week (1)
Introduction to forensic science-Nature need and function
Week (2)
Identifying Human Remains
-Identifying the Body: Human or Nonhuman?
-Skin Coloration
-Defensive Wounds and Other Visible Marks
Week (3)
Post-mortem lab investigation
-Post-mortem chemistry
Week (4)
The wounds and injuries
-types of wounds
-Diagnosis and dating of wounds byhistological andhistochemical methods
Week (5)
Laboratory aspects of injuries by burns, scalds, electrification and lightning
Week (6)
Immersion deaths
-Chemical and histological changes in the blood in drowning
-The role of diatoms in the diagnosis of drowning.
Week (7)
The laboratory intervention in different types of sexual offences
Week (8)
-Interpretation of minimal findingseg blood, saliva, etc. -Tests for semen.
Week (9)
Forensic Serology-The Nature of Blood-Immunoassay Techniques-Forensic Characterization of Bloodstains-Stain Patterns of Blood-Principles of Heredity-Forensic Characterization of Semen
Week (10)
The Indispensable Forensic Science Tool -Medico legal significance-DNA technique -DNA finger print
Week (11)
The concept of the fatal dose, variation sin published fatal poison concentrations, the collection of autopsy samples fortoxicological analysis, containers for toxicology samples, preservatives in samples, the site of sampling for toxicological analysis and the technique of obtaining autopsy samples.
Week (12)
The Role of the Toxicologist-Techniques Used in Toxicology-Toxicology of Alcohol -The Significance of Toxicological Findings
Week (13)
-Poisoning and death due to narcotic andhallucinogenic drugs.-Poisoning by medicine.-Corrosive and metallic poisoning.-Agrochemical poisoning
Week (14)
Week (15)
Class test
Research methodology
Course title: Research methodology
Intended term : (7)
Course duration :15 weeks
Study hours per week
Lecture :2 hours
Credit hours 2 hours
This course is intended for medical laboratory science students
General objectives
By the end this course, the medical laboratory students be able to understand the concepts and fundamental information and concepts research.
Specific objectives
Upon the completion of the course the students should be able to:
1-Know how to perform research proposal and objectives.
2- Know how to write literature review, data collection and data analysis.
3-Know the general ethics of the research.
Instructional methods
Final examination runs by internal examiners.
M .C .Q:10%
Long essays : 20 %
Short questions : 20%
Practical : 40 %
Oral : 10%
Week (1):
Week (2):
Research objectives
Week (3):
Week (4):
Research proposal
Week (5) :
Literature review
Week (6)
Study design
Week (7)
Week (8)
Data collection
Week (9)
Data analysis
Week (10)
Research ethics
Week (11)
Week (12)
Week (13)
Test class
Molecular biology -2
Course title: Molecular biology
Intended term : 7
Course duration : 15 weeks
Credit hours : 2
Practical: 3hrs
This course is intended for medical laboratory science students
General Objectives
By the end of this course medical laboratory students should be able to :
- Understand the principle of molecular biology terminology.
- Understand the principle of molecular biology techniques.
- Understand the principle of molecular biology application in medical field.
Week (1) Extraction of nuclia acid DNA extraction
Week (2) RNA extraction
Week (3) Agarose electrophoresis techniques
Week (4) Application of molecular biology (PCR TECHNIQUES )
Week (5) Other type pf PCR
Week (6) DNA sequencing
Week (7) Cloning technique
Week (8) Application of recombinant technology
Week (9) Hyberdization technique
Week (10) Hybridization technique
Week (11) Restriction enzyme
Week (12) Chromosome structure
Week (13) Chromosome disease
Week (14) Revision
Week (15) Test class
Clinical chemistry -5
Course Title : Enzymology & Endocrinology
Course Smester : 7
Credit hours: 4
Prerequisites: study the following courses:
5- General and analytical chemistry
6- Biochemistry
7- Introduction to clinical chemistry
8- Physiology
Course duration : ( 14- 16 week)
Course description:
General properties and definitions, enzyme classification and nomenclature, enzyme kinetics “catalytic mechanism of enzymes, factors that influence Enzymatic reactions, measurement of Enzyme activity. Calculation of enzyme activity, measurement of enzyme mass. enzyme as reagents” enzyme of clinical significance :creatine kinase lactate dehydrogenase , Aspartate Aminotransferase ,Alanine Aminotransferase , Alkaline phosphatase , Acid Phosphatase , ϒ Glutamyltransferase , Amylase , Lipase G-6-PD. Introduction to hormones and pituitary function , hypothalamic hormones , anterior pituitary hormones , posterior pituitary hormones , adrenal function , gonadal function , thyroid gland , parathyroid function .
Course objectives:
By the end of this course, the students should able to :
- Define the term enzyme, including physical composition and structure .
- Classify enzymes according to the international Union of Biochemistry (IUB).
- Discuss the different factors affecting the rate of an enzymatic reaction .
- Explain enzyme kinetics including zero – order and first – order kinetics .
- Explain why the measurement of serum enzyme levels is clinically useful .
- Discuss the tissue sources, diagnostic significance and assay .
- Evaluate patient serum enzyme levels in relation to disease states .
- Define hormones .
- Classify and apply hormones in clinical chemistry .
- Discuss hormones action and regulation .
- Discuss pituitary , thyroid , parathyroid and adrenal glands .
- Understand the difference between primary and secondary deficiency states.
- Describe steroid biosynthesis , regulation ,and action according to anatomic location within the adrenal gland .
- Describe the appropriate laboratory testing protocol to effectively evaluate or monitor patients with suspected gonadal disease .
Course contents (topics ):
Theory :
- General properties and definitions, enzyme classification and nomenclature .
- Enzyme kinetics ( catalytic mechanism of enzymes , factors that influence enzymatic reactions ).
- Measurement of enzyme activity .
- Enzyme kinetics ( calculation of enzyme activity , measurement of enzyme mass , enzymes as reagents ).
- Enzymes of clinical significance ( creatinine kinase , lactate dehydrogenase ,Aspartate Aminotransfersase Alanine Aminotransferase ).
- Enzymes of clinical significance( Alkaline phosphatase , Acid Phosphatase , ϒ Glutamyltransferase , Amylase , Lipase , Glucose -6-Phospatase , Dehydrogenase ).
- Plasma enzymes patterns in disease ( GIT , cardiac, liver enzymes ).
- Definition , regulation and classification of hormones ( definition , chemical , nature and classification of Hormones ).
- Hormonal assay (classical assays , Immunologic assay , Fluorescent technique , High-performance Liquid Chromatography and Colorimetry ).
- Hypothalamus and pituitary glands (Anterior pituitary hormones (Growth hormone , Prolactin ).Posterior pituitary hormones (ADH, Oxytocin ) ).
- Thyroid hormones ( Thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) , Hyperthyroidism , Hypothyroidism and Thyroid Stimulating Hormones).
- Parathyroid gland ( Parathyroid hormones , Hyperparathyroidism , Hyperparathyroidism).
- Adrenal cortex hormones ( Adrenal Cortex hormones (Aldosterone, cortical )).
- Adrenal medulla hormones (Adrenal medulla hormones( Adrenaline and Nor adrenaline)).
- Reproductive system and Sex hormones ( Sex hormones , (weak androgens , Testosterone , Dehydroepiandrosteron )).
Practical :
- Serum AST estimation .
- Serum ALT estimation .
- Serum ASP estimation .
- Serum GGT estimation .
- Serum Amylase estimation .
- Serum Lipase estimation .
- Serum CPK estimation .
- Serum LDH estimation .
- Principle and procedure of ELLZA .
- Serum TSH estimation .
- Serum T4 estimation .
- Serum T3 estimation .
- Serum FSH estimation .
- Serum LH estimation .
- Serum PRL estimation .
- Serum and urine cortical .
- Serum testosterone .
- Serum total HCG and beta HCG.
- Serum progesterone.
Hematology -5
Course title: Hematology
Intended term : (7)
Coursduration : 15 Weeks :
Study hours per week :
Lecture : 2 hours
Practical : 3 hours
Credit hours : 4 hours
This coursis intended for medical laboratory science students
General objectives
By the end of this course , the medical laboratory students should be able to understand pathophysillogy and laboratory diagnosis of multiple myeloma, lymphoma, DIC,haemophilia and Von willebrand disease . Further more he should also be able to perform laboratory investigations that confirm the diagnosis of these haematological disorders .
Specific objectives
Upon the completion of the course the students should be able to :
Know the pathophysiology and laboratory diagnosis of DIC,Haemophilia, and Von willebrand disease .
Know the definition , pathophysiology , laboratory diagnosis of multiple myeloma and lymphoma .
Know principles , type and operation of automation in haematology , in addition to radioisotops.
Know definition , pathophysiology and laboratory diagnosis of multiple myeloma and lymphoma.
Instructional methods
Laboratory Practical
Final examinations run by internal examiners
Evaluation consits of :
M.C.Q :10 %
Long essays : 20 %
Short questions : 20 %
Practical : 40%
Oral : 10 %
Course description
The cours covers the followng subjects :
Week (1)
Platelets function tests
Week (2)
Disseminated intravascular Coagulation (DIC)
Definition & Causes Laboratory diagnosis
Week (3)
Myelo fibrosis
Week (4)
Coagulation factors assay
Week (5)
Investigation ofcirculating anticoagulants “inhibitor”
Inhibitor screeningQuantitative measurement of factor Viii-c inhibitors
Week (6)
Clot solubility test for factor Xiii
Principle and procedure Interpretation of results
Week (7)
Measurements of protein S Functional assay E LISA
Week (8)
Measurement of protein C
Cloning based protein C assay
Week (9)
Monitoring of oral anticoagulants
Week (10)
Radio isotopes Definition and source of radionuclide Application in hematology
Week (11)
Determination of blood volume , plasma volume and red cell mass
Estimation of red blood cell lifespan .
Week (12)
Automation in blood cell acount .Principles of instruments Types and operation
Week (13)
Automation in hemostasis Principle of coaguaometerTypes and operation
Week (14)
Multiple myeloma Definition and pathophysiology Laboratory diagnosis
Week (15)
Definition andpathophysiplogy Laboratory diagnosis
Week (1) First line tests
Week (2) Correction tests
Week (3) Platelet function tests
Week (4) Platelet function tests
Week (5) Investigation of the inhibitors
Week (6) Fibrinogen estimation
Week (7) Clot solubility test
Week (8) Protien S estimation
Week (9) ProtienC estimation
Week (10) Vitamin-k- estimation
Week (11) Radioisotopes
Week (12) Radioisotopes
Week (13) Autmation “Culter”
Week (14) Automation “coagulometer”
Week (15) Kleihauer test
Histopathology -5
Title of the course: Cytopathology ‖
Intended term: 7
Course duration: 14 weeks.
Study hours per week: (2theories + 2 practical).
Credit hours: 4
Course description:
This course will provide the student with the basic knowledge of the theory and practical aspect in the diagnosis of tumor cells and non-malignant conditions in non-gynecologic cytological samples under the light microscope.
Specific objective:
Upon the completion of this course the student should be able to:
1- Discuss and identify Anatomy, Histology, physiology and normal cytology of the respiratory tract
2- Discuss and identify Cytology of non-malignant and malignant conditions of respiratory tract
3- Discuss and identify Anatomy, Histology, physiology and normal cytology of the urinary system
4- Discuss and identify Cytology of non-malignant and malignant conditions of urinary tract
5- Discuss and identify Anatomy, Histology, physiology and normal cytology of the oral cavity and Gastro-Intestinal tract.
6- Discuss and identify Cytology of non-malignant and malignant conditions of oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract
7- Discuss and identify Cytology of non-malignant and malignant conditions of body fluids
8- Discuss and identify Anatomy, Histology, physiology and normal cytology of breast.
9- Discuss and identify Cytology of non-malignant and malignant conditions of fine needle (FNAC) aspiration and nipple discharge of breast.
10- Discuss and identify Anatomy, Histology, physiology and normal cytology of lymph node and thyroid
11- Discuss and identify Cytology of non-malignant and malignant conditions of lymph node and thyroid
12- Discuss types of Automation in Cytopathology lab
13- Quality control in Cytopathology lab
- Lectures:
Lectures | Weeks |
Anatomy, Histology, physiology and normal cytology of the respiratory tract | 1 |
Cytology of non-malignant and malignant conditions of respiratory tract | 2 |
Anatomy, Histology, physiology and normal cytology of the urinary system | 3 |
Cytology of non-malignant and malignant conditions of urinary tract | 4 |
Anatomy, Histology, physiology and normal cytology of the oral cavity and Gastro-Intestinal tract | 5 |
Cytology of non-malignant and malignant conditions of oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract | 6 |
Cytology of non-malignant and malignant conditions of body fluid, effusions & C S F | 7 |
Anatomy, Histology, physiology and normal cytology of breast | 8 |
Cytology of non-malignant and malignant conditions of fine needle (FNAC) aspiration and nipple discharge of breast | 9 |
Anatomy, Histology, physiology and normal cytology of lymph node and thyroid | 10 |
Cytology of non-malignant and malignant conditions of lymph node and thyroid | 11 |
types of Automation in Cytopatholgy lab ( Flow Cytometry , Image Analysis,Principles, equipment, procedure and evaluation) | 12 |
Ancillary tests in cytology | 13 |
Quality control in cytopathology lab | 14 |
2-Practical sessions
Practical | Weeks |
Screening cervical smears for cervical cancer | 1 |
Normal ,inflammation and abnormal cytology of respiratory tract | 2 |
Normal ,inflammation and abnormal cytology of urinary tract | 3 |
Normal ,inflammation and abnormal cytology of oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract | 4 |
Normal ,inflammation and abnormal cytology of body fluid, effusions & C S F | 5 |
Normal cytology of breast FNA and nipple discharge | 6 |
Inflammation in cytology of breast FNA and nipple discharge | 7 |
Abnormal cytology of breast FNA and nipple discharge | 8 |
Normal ,inflammation and abnormal cytology lymph node | 9 |
Normal ,inflammation and abnormal cytology thyroid gland | 10 |
Flow cytometry operation, interpretation of result | 11 |
Microbiology -5
Course title: Medical Mycology
Intended term: (7)
Course duration: 14 weeks
Lectures: 2hrs / week duration 14 weeks
Credit hour: 4 hours
Practical: 3hrs / week duration 14 weeks
Credit hours: 2 hours
This cours is intended for medical laboratory sciences students .
Instructional methods :
- Lectures
- Tutorials
Evaluation :
Final examination runs by internal examiners.
Evaluation consists of :
- M CQs
- Long essays
- Short question
- Practical
- Activities.
General objectives :
By the end of this cours , medical laboratory students shoud be able to :
1. know the properties , features, and pathegeneis of fungal pathogens .
2. Perform the variostechicalmetheods used in the laboratory diagnosis of fungal infection
Specific objectives :
1. Undestandtazonomy& structure of medical fungi
2. Perform the laboratory diagnosis m, of cutaneous& able to perform diagnosis .
3. Understand general features of Malasszia furfur & able to perform diagnosis
4. Perform laboratory diagnosis of Aspergillus, Histoplasam, Caniada, &Blastomyces .
Week 1 :
- Fungi classification
- Fungi growth & classification
Week 2 :
- Pathogenicity , toxin production & allergies
- Laboratory diagnosis & fungal disease
Week3 :
- Antifungal therapy
- Antifungal therapy
Week 4 :
- Cutaneous mycosis
- Ringworm fungi
Week5 :superfacial mycosis
- Malassezia furfur
- Fungi that cause Piedra
Week 6 :
- Sub cutaneous mycosis
- Fungi that cause mycetoma
Week 7 :
- Fungi that cause Chromomycosis
- Fungi that causes Zygomycosis
Week 8 :syetemic mycosis
- Rhinosporidiumseeberi
- Histoplasma species
Week 9 :
- Blastomycetes dermatitis
- Coccidioides&Paracoccidioedes
Week 10 :opportunistic mycosis
- Candida albicans
- Candidosis
Week 11 :
- Cryptococcus neoformans
- .
Week (12)
Asperigellus species
Week (13)
– Presentation
Week (14)
– Presentation
Week (15)
– Class test
Lab safty in mycology lab
Specimen collection for fungial diagnosis
Week (3)
KOH and lactophenol cotton blue
Week (4)
Preparation of culture media and type for culture of fungal infection
Week (5)
Lab diagnosis of superficial mycosis
Week (5)
Lab diagnosis of cutanous mycosis
Week (6)
Lab diagnosis of mycetoma infection
Week (7)
Lab diagnosis of systemic mycosis
Week (8)
Lab diagnosis of candida albicans
Week (9)
Lab diagnosis of Cryptococcus neofoemans
Week (10)
Lab diagnosis of aspergulusspp
Week (11)
Week (12)
Week (13)
Test class
Week (14)
Last examination
Parasitology -5
Course title: medical entomology
Intended term: (7)
Course duration: (15) weeks
Credit hours: 4 hours
This course is intended for medical laboratory science students
General Objectives
By the end of this course , medical laboratory students should be able to :
- Demonstrate adequate knowledge about the scope of medical entomology
- Demonstrate adequate knowledge about the biological properties , route of transmission , and control of different arthropods
- Identify the various stages of different medical important arthropod .
- Know the role of different arthropods in the causation of human diseases .
Specific Objectives
By the end of this course the students should be able to :
- Define the scope of the course as well as the mode of disease transmission
- Understand the characteristics , classification , development and the morphology of arthropods .
- Understand the measures adopted for control and eradication of arthropods of medical importance .
Instructional method
- Lectures
- Seminars
- Tutorials
- Field visits
- Laboratory demonstration and practice
Course contents
Week (1)
Definition and scope of medical entomology
Disease transmission
Week (2)
Classification and characteristics of arthropods
Arthropod development
Week (3)
External morphology of insects
Week (4)
Internal structure of insect
Week (5)
Order Diptera
Suborder Nematocera
Week (6)
Family Culicidae – Mosquitoes
Week (7)
Control of mosquitoes (Seminar)
Week (8)
Family Psychodidae – Sand fly
Week (9)
Family Simuliidae – Black fly
Family Ceratopogonidae
Week (10)
Family Tabanidae – Horse fly
Family Chrysopidae – Deer fly
Week (11)
Family Muscidae – House fly
Family Glossinidae – Tsetse fly
Week (12)
Family calliphridae
Family Oestridae
Week (13)
Order Siphonaptera – Flaes
Week (14)
Order Anopliura – Lice
Order Hemiptera – Ticks
Week (15)
Class Arachnida
Acarini – Mites
Week (1)
Classification and genera Visual presentation
Properties of arthropods
Week (2)
Morphhology of insect Demonstration
Week (3)
Entomology methods Practical
Week (4)
Collection and preservation of arthropods
Week (5)
DemonstrationMosquitoes – Anophelinie
Week (6)
Mosquitoes – Culicine
Week (7)
House fly
Week (8)
Practical Sand fly
Week (9)
Demonstration Black fly
Week (10)
Week (11)
– Tsetse fly
Week (12)
Tabanid fly
Week (13)
Week (14)
Lice, mite
Week (15)
الفصل الدراسي الثامن
Course title: Biostatistics
Intended term: (8)
Course duration: 14 weeks
Lectures: 2hrs / week duration 14 weeks
Credit hour: 2 hours
Credit hours: 2 hours
This course is intended for medical laboratory sciences students.
Instructional methods:
- Lectures
- Tutorials
Final examination runs by internal examiners.
Evaluation consists of:
- M CQs
- Long essays
- Short question
- Practical
- Activities.
Week 1 :Introduction
Week 2: Defining data
Week3: Display of data
Week 4: Mean median mode
Week5: Measures of variation
Week 6: Normal distribution
Week 7: Sample and sampling
Week 8: Analysis
Week 9 : Tutorial
Week 10 : Rivision
Week 11 : Tutorial
Week (12) Class test
Medical Ethics
Course title: Medical Ethics
Intended term: (8)
Course duration: 14 weeks
Lectures: 2 hrs / week duration 14 weeks
Credit hour: 2 hours
This course is intended for medical laboratory sciences students.
Instructional methods:
- Lectures
- Tutorials
Final examination runs by internal examiners.
Evaluation consists of:
- M CQs
- Long essays
- Short question
- Practical
- Activities.
Week 1 :
Week 2:
Basic Responsibilities & composition
Regulation –Training –Term of reference
Week 4:
Decision making process
Record keeping & special consideration
Week 6:
General ethical issues
Week 7:
Specific principles of clinical evaluation
Week 8:
clinical evaluation of Drugs- Devices –Diagnostic –Vaccines
Week 9 :
clinical evaluation of traditional
Week 10 :
Statements of specific principles for Epidemiological studies
Week 11 :
Week (12)
Week (13)
Class test
Diagnostic Hematology
Course title: Diagnostic Hematology
Intended term : (8)
Course duration : 15 Weeks :
Study hours per week :
Lecture : 2 hours
Practical : 3 hours
Credit hours : 4 hours
This coursis intended for medical laboratory science students
General objectives
By the end of this course , the medical laboratory students should be able to understand pathophysillogy and laboratory diagnosis of multiple myeloma, lymphoma, DIC,haemophilia and Von willebrand disease . Further more he should also be able to perform laboratory investigations that confirm the diagnosis of these haematological disorders .
Specific objectives
Upon the completion of the cours the students should be able to :
Know the pathophysiology and laboratory diagnosis of DIC,Haemophilia, and Von willebrand disease .
Know the definition , pathophysiology , laboratory diagnosis of multiple myeloma and lymphoma .
Know principles , type and operation of automation in haematology , in addition to radioisotops.
Know definition , pathophysiology and laboratory diagnosis of multiple myeloma and lymphoma.
Instructional methods
Laboratory Practical
Final examinations run by internal examiners
Evaluation consits of :
M.C.Q :10 %
Long essays : 20 %
Short questions : 20 %
Practical : 40%
Oral : 10 %
Course description
The course covers the following subjects :
Week (1)
Blood banking
Week (2)
Myeloproliferative disorders
Laboratory diagnosis
Week (3)
Hemophilia andVon willebrand disease
Hemophilia A , B and C
Week (4)
Coagulation factors assay
Week (5)
Quality control in hematology
Week (6)
Clot solubility test for factor Xiii
Principle and procedure
Interpration of results
Week (7)
Bone marrow
Week (8)
Measurement of protein C
Cloning based protein C assay
Week (9)
Week (10)
Radio isotopes
Definition and source of radionuclide
Application in hematology
Week (11)
HDN and HTR .
Week (12)
Automation in blood cell acount .
Principles of instruments
Types and operation
Week (13)
Automation in hemostasis
Principle of coaguaometer
Types and operation
Week (14)
Multiple myeloma
Definition and pathophysiology
Laboratory diagnosis
Week (15)
Definition andpathophysiplogy
Laboratory diagnosis
Week (1) First line tests
Week (2) Correction tests
Week (3) Platelet function tests
Week (4) Platelet function tests
Week (5) Investigation of the inhibitors
Week (6) Fibrinogen estimation
Week (7) Clot solubility test
Week (8) Protien S estimation
Week (9) ProtienC estimation
Week (10) Vitamin-k- estimation
Week (11) Radioisotopes
Week (12) Radioisotopes
Week (13) Autmation “Culter”
Week (14) Automation “coagulometer”
Week (15) Kleihauer test
Diagnostic Microbiology
Course title: Diagnostic Microbiology:
Intended term : sems 8
Coursduration : 14 weeks
Lectures : 2 hrs / week duration 14 weeks
Practical : 3 hrs / week duration 14 weeks
Credit hours: 4 hrs
This courseis intended for medical laboratory sciences students.
Instructional methods:
- Lectures
- Tutorials
Final examination runs by internal examiners.
Evaluation consists of:
- M CQs
- Long essays
- Short question
- Practical
- Activities.
Week 1 :
- Respirotary tract inection ( lower)
Week 2 :
- Respirotary tract infection (upper )
Week3 :
- Ear infection
Week 4 :
- Eye infectionh
Week5 :
- Wound infection
Week 6 :
- Sexual transmitted disease (STDs)
Week 7 :
- Gastrointestinal tract infection
Week 8 :
- Urinary tract infection
Week 9 :
- Cerebrospinal fluid infection
Week 10 :
Blood stream infection
Week 11 :
- Richestia and Chlamydia spp .
Week 12 :
minor pathogenic bacteria
Week (13)
Body fluid infection infection Seminal fluid
Synovial fluid
Week (15)
- Tutorial .
Week (1)
Examination of urine specimen isolation and identification
Week (2)
Examination of stool specimen isolation and identification
Week (3)
Examination of sputum specimen isolation and identification
Week (4)
Examination of ear swab specimen isolation and identification
Week (5)
Examination of eye swab specimen isolation and identification
Examination of wound swab specimen isolation and identification
Week (7)
Examination of blood specimen isolation and identification
Week (8)
Examination of CSF specimen isolation and identification
Examination of throut and mouth specimen isolation and identification
Week (10)
Examination of synovial fluid specimen isolation and identification
Week (11)
Seminal specimen collection and properties
Week (12 )
Bacterial count
Week (13)
Sensitivity test
Week(14 )
Week (15)
Test class
Diagnostic Parasitology
Intended term : 8
Credit hours : 4
The course consists of three modules :
- Diagnostic Parasitology
- Clinical Parasitology
- Immune & Molecular Parasitology
This cours is intended for medical laboratory sciences students (Medical Parasitology )
General objectives
By the end of this course medical laboratory science students should be able to :
- Demonstrate adequate knowledge about the clincal , pathological, epidemiology , diagnosis , and control of parasitics of infections
- Practice basic and advanced techniques applied diagnosis of parasitic infections .
- Present and introduce seminars in topics related to medical parasitology .
Instructional methods
- Lectures
- Laboratory practice
- Secinars
- Field visits
- Tutorials
Final examination run by internal and external examiner consist of :
- Written examination of two papers
- Paper one : Advanced parasitology (50% diagnostic paraitology , 25% molecular and immune-parasitology)
- Paper two : (Medical protzology 40% , medical helminthology 40% , and medical Entomology 20%)
- Practical examination of two papers
- Paper one : cases
- Paper two OSPE and demonstration
- Oral examination
- Assessment of field visits and seminars .
Final evaluation
- Written examintaon : 40 %
- Practical examination 45 %
- Field visits and seminars 5%
- Oral examintaion 10 %
Diagnostic parasitology :
Duration : 15 weeks
Credit hours : 3 hrs
Specific objectives
By the end of this cours medical laboratory students should be able to :
- Demonstrate adequate knwoledge about the pathogenitity , pathological basses of prasitic infections
- Practice and demanstrate basic and advanced parasitological techniques applied in the diagnosis of parasitic infection , inclining in vitro and in vivo cultivation of parasites .
- Understand the epidemiology of important parsites in sudan
Coruse contents
Lectures and seminars
Week 1
Host parsitereleationship (lecture)
Week 2
Microscopy (light, phase, fluorescent,electronic) (tutorial)
Week 3
Corpologicalexamintaion I(concerntration techniques)(lecture)
Week 4
Corpological examination 11(staining and permanent mounts) .
Week 5
Heamatologicalexamination of protozoa
Week 6
Culture technique I
Week 7
Culture technique II(tutorials)
Week 8
laboratory models (field visits)
Week 9
Animal inculation (Field visit)
Week 10
Recovery of parasites from aspirates, biopsies,and tissues (Tutorial)
Week 11
Parasitology method in ecology and population dynamics (Group discussion )
Week 12
Relevance of radiology in the diagnosis of parasitic infections (Lecture)
Week 13
Value of research in understanding medical parasitology (Lecture)
Week 14
parasitological survey (molecular epidemiology, sero-prevalence) – introduction to bioinformatics
Week 15
Class test
Week 1
Q .C measures SOPs (group discussion)
Week 2
Week 3
stool examination (general)
Week 4
staining of fecal smears and prepration of permanent mounts .
Week 5
Techniques used in blood for parasitological studies
Week 6
Preprationof culture media I(3N)
Week 7
Prepration of culture media II
Week 8
Breeding and handling of laboratory models (field visit)
Week 9
Animal inoculation
Week 10
Processing of tissue and anspirates forparsitological studies (group work )
Week 11
Examination of water, soil , and other environmental specimens (field visit)
Week 12
Demonstration of radilolgical images (seminar)
Week 13
Conducting field survey (field visit)
Week 14
Computer search and internet (group work)
Week 15
Class test
Diagnostic Histopathology
Title of the course: advanced histo- technologies
Intended term: 8
Course duration: 14 weeks.
Study hours per week: (2 theory + 2practical).
Credit hours: 4
Pre-requisite course:
Student should know and study Specific objects and practical course in term 2 up to 7
Course description:
During this course, the student will study the theoretical and practical bases of immunohistochemistry and its application in pathology, immunofluorescence, enzyme-histochemistry, histotechnologies in neuroendocrine and neuropathology, tissue preparation for Electron Microscopy and its diagnostic application, as well as, tissue culture technologies. Also, the student will study the related tasks needed in the unit, e.g. photography, tissue microarray, laser micro dissection and plastic embedding Quality control and lab safety.
Specific objective:
Upon the completion of this course the student should be able to:
1- Discuss and demonstrate knowledge of the basic concepts of immunohistochemistry
2-Discuss and apply Immunohistochemical methods and protocols.
3- Discuss and demonstrate knowledge of quality control procedures in immunohistochemistry practice.
4-Discuss and demonstrate knowledge of immunohistochemistry application in pathology and tumor markers
5- Discuss and apply immunofluorescent techniques and demonstrate knowledge of their diagnostic applications in histopathology.
6- Discuss and apply neuroendocrine techniques and demonstrate knowledge of their diagnostic applications in histopathology.
7- Discuss and apply neuropathology techniques and demonstrate knowledge of their diagnostic applications in histopathology.
8- Discuss and apply techniques of tissue preparation for electron microscopy and demonstrate knowledge of its diagnostic applications in histopathology.
9- Discuss and apply tissue and cell culture techniques.
10- Discuss and demonstrate knowledge of lab safety protocols and quality control procedures in histopathology lab.
Lectures | Weeks |
Immunohistochemistry: introduction, basic concepts and principal, production of antibody monoclonal , polyclonal and labels | 1 |
Immunohistochemicalmethods : direct methods, indirect technique, bridge methods: enzyme complex technique APA &APAAP, immunogold silver technique , avidin-biotin technique and others. | 2 |
Immunohistochemical methods: Antigen retrieval preservation of antigens, blocking background staining, dilution of immune serum\ antibodies, washes, incubationmethods, controls and general protocol. | 3 |
Immunohistochemistry Quality control: factors affecting staining and troubleshooting. | 4 |
Immunohistochemistry application in pathology: surgical pathology, infectious disease, brain disease, muscle disease and tumor markers (Intermediate filaments, epithelial markers, carcinomas, mesotheliomas, sarcomas, melanomas, lymphomas) | 5 |
Immunofluorescence: techniques, microscopy, quality control and diagnostic application in histopathology | 6 |
Enzymehistochemistry :Classification and nomenclature of enzymes, types of histochemical reaction | 7 |
Diagnostic application of enzyme histochemistry: Skeletal muscle biopsy, demonstration of mast cell and white cells of the myeloid series, detection of nerve and ganglia in suspected Hirschsprungs disease and other | 8 |
Neuroendocrine system: : components, pathology and techniques of stainingcytoplasmic granules and organelles | 9 |
Histotechnologies in neuropathology: staining of component of the nervous system (neurons, axons, fiber, myelin, neuralgias ) , handling and preparation of neuropathology specimens | 10 |
Electron microscopy: principles, structure and operation ,processing of a specimen to TEM(specimen handling, fixation, dehydration and clearing, Infiltration, embedding and sectioning) staining and sectioning faults causes and remedies | 11 |
diagnostic applications of electron microscopy: renal disease, malignant tumors, non-neoplastic diseases | 12 |
Lab safety and Quality control in histopathology lab | 13 |
Over view on new histotechnologies and related tasks | 14 |
Practical | Weeks |
Preparation of coated slides | 1 |
Preparation of buffers | 2 |
Heat retrieving methods | 3 |
Enzyme retrieving methods. | 4 |
Immunohistochemistry preparation of solutions and target retrieval methods | 5 |
Immunohistochemistry protocols direct | 6 |
Immunohistochemistry protocols indirect | 7 |
Immunohistochemistry interpretation of results and troubleshooting | 8 |
Immunofluorescence tissue preparation , staining and interpretation of result troubleshooting | 10 |
Neuroendocrine techniques | 11 |
Neuropathology techniques | 12 |
Electron microscope structure, tissue processing, staining ,operation | 13 |
Photomicrography | 14 |
Title of the course: Cytogenetic and molecular pathology
Intended term: 8
Course duration: 14 weeks.
Study hours per week: (2 theory + 2 practical).
Credit hours: 4
Pre-requisite course:
Basic pathology, systemic pathology and Molecular biology
Course description:
During this course student well study theoretical and practical bases of classical, clinical and molecular cytogenetic and their application in medicine molecular pathology technologies and their application in medicine of specific disease beside to studying cancer biology and cancer genetics.
Specific objective:
1- Definition and importance of cytogenetic Human genetics; an introduction to the subject, Terminology, classifications and nomenclature of human Chromosomes
- Methods for Karyotyping and analysis of chromosomal abnormalities
- Characterization of human chromosomes by various banding techniques. Translocation.
- Cell division, cell cycle and alterations in cell cycle checkpoints in cancer cells
- Gametogenesis and Cytogenetic of infertility
- Cancer cytogenetics: Common chromosomal observations in cancer, mechanisms of their production and of Oncogenes.
- Key aspects of apoptosis and its misregulation in cancers , Apoptosis and Cell Senescence
- Regulation of epithelial cell-cell adhesion by tumor suppressors and proto-oncogenes. Dysregulation of this process in invasion and metastasis of cancer cells.
- Outline current understanding of the properties of cancer stem cells and the implications for disease progression. Potential application of cancer vaccines to disease therapy.
- Cellular and molecular regulation of tissue fibrosis, mechanisms of persistence and implications for survival and therapy.
- Blotting Techniques: Methodology and Applications
- In-situ Hybridization in Histopathology, The In-situ Polymerase Chain Reaction Comparative Genomic Hybridization in Pathology
- Flow cytometry methods , DNA Flow Cytometry , Application of FISH and microarray in cytogenetics .
1- Lectures:
Lectures | Weeks |
Introduction to cytogenetic: Historical background, definition, importance of cytogenetic , Terminology. | 1 |
Chromosome: structure, function, classification and nomenclature, replication, segregation and the centersome. | 2 |
Chromosomal abnormalities: numerical ,structural , in clinical syndromes associated with cytogenetic disorders ,Mechanisms of structural Abnormalities , Sex chromosome abnormalities | 3 |
Methods for Karyotyping types and analysis of chromosomal abnormalities, Characterization of human chromosomes by various banding techniques and Translocation | 4 |
Gametogenesis and Cytogenetics of infertility, prenatal, spontaneous abortion, chromosomal instability | 5 |
Cancer cytogenetics: Common chromosomal observations in cancer, mechanisms of their production and of Oncogenes, Cytogenetics of Cancer (Solid Tumors) | 6 |
Gene expression and Cell division, cell cycle , alterations in cell cycle checkpoints in cancer cells Key aspects of apoptosis and its misregulation in cancers , Apoptosis and Cell Senesce | 7 |
Dysregulation of epithelial cell-cell adhesion by tumor, properties of cancer stem cells and the implications for disease progression. Potential application of cancer vaccines to disease therapy | 8 |
Molecular pathology techniques overview, PCR types and blotting techniques (Methodology and Applications). | 9 |
In-situ Hybridization in Histopathology, | 10 |
The In-situ Polymerase Chain ReactionComparative Genomic Hybridization in Pathology | 11 |
Molecular cytogenetics methods-FISH | 12 |
Application of FISH and In-situ Hybridization | 13 |
Flow cytometry methods , DNA Flow Cytometry , | 14 |
Practical | Weeks |
Sex chromatin identification | 1 |
Sample collection for cytogenetic tests | 2 |
Culture of bone marrow, peripheral blood lymphocytes, solid tumors, skin fibroblast, etc. Direct preparations from tumor material | 3 |
Methods for Karyotyping and analysis of chromosomal abnormalities | 4 |
Characterization of human chromosomes by various banding techniques | 5 |
PCR techniques | 6 |
Blotting techniques | 7 |
In situ hybridization | 8 |
FISH | 9 |
Diagnostic Clinical chemistry
Course Title : special of clinical chemistry(A) :
Course Smester : 7
Credit hours : 4
Prerequisites :study the following course :
- General and analytical chemistry
- Biochemistry
- Introduction to clinical chemistry
- Physiology
Course duration 🙁 14 -16 week)
Course description :
Enzyme assay, interpretation of enzyme results , hormonal transduction , hormonal assay , tumor markers ,toxicology, calculi,Therapeutic drug monitoring, Automation in clinical chemistry, Electrophoresis, Chromatography, Flame photometry, Spectrophotometry, Electrochemistry, Immunoassays and nucleic acid probe techniques
Course objectives :
By the end of this course , the students should able to :
- Define enzymes and hormonal assay .
- Discuss hormonal transduction & tumor markers.
- Classify enzymes , hormonal and lipoproteins.
Course contents (topics):
Theory :
- Enzymes assay (Enzyme Kinetics and Spectrophotometer ).
- Interpretation of enzymes results( Measurement and Calculation of enzyme Activity and reference Value for Enzyme ).
- Hormonal transduction (Other Hormones of Clinical Interest and Entopic Hormone Production ).
- Hormonal assay( Fluorescent technique , High-performance Liquid Chromatography and Colorimetry ).
- Therapeutic drug monitoring 🙁 Routes of administration , absorption , free versus bound drugs , drug distribution , drug elimination , pharmacokinetics ,sample collection , cardioactive drugs , antibiotics , antibiotic drugs ,psychoactive drugs , bronchoactive drugs , immunosppressive drugs , antieoplastics).
- Toxicology : ( Exposure to toxins , routes of exposure , dose-response relationship , analysis of toxic agents , toxicology of specific agents , toxicology of therapeutic drugs , toxicology of drugs of abuse).
- Circulation tumor markers : ( Basic concepts , specificity and sensitivity , clinical utilities of tumor markers , types of tumor markers , recommendations for test ordering , frequently ordered tumor markers ).
- Automation in clinical chemistry( History of automated analyzer , basic approaches to automation and type of automation ( centrifugal & discrete & continuous flow ).
- Electrophoresis( Procedure , support materials , treatment & application of sample , detection & quantitation and capillary electrophoresis ).
- Chromatography ( Mode of separation , chromatographic procedures and type of chromatography ( high-performance liquid chromatography & gas chromatography ).
- Flame photometry( Principle , component and application of flame photometry ).
- Spectrophotometry( Beer’s law , spectrophotometry instruments , components of spectrophotometer ).
- Electrochemistry : ( Galvanic and electrolytic cells , ion selective electrodes , pH met electrodes , gas sensing electrodes ) .
- Immunoassays and nucleic acid probe techniques : (Immunoassays , nucleic acid probes ).
- Calculi ( formation, types and analysis|)
- Automation techniques.
- Spectrophotometry.
- Chromatography techniques.
- Ion selective electrodes and blood gas analyzer.
- Immunoassays techniques.
- Electrophoresis techniques.
- Flame photometry.
- Estimation of Vitamin B12.
- Estimation of folate.
- Stone analysis.
- Selenium.
- Tumor markers (PSA, HCG, CEA, CA 125, CA 9 – 19).
Course Title : special of clinical chemistry (B):
Course Smester : 8
Credit hours : 4
Prerequisites :study the following course :
- General and analytical chemistry
- Biochemistry
- Introduction to clinical chemistry
- Physiology
Course duration :2( 14 -16 week)
Course description :
Monitoring and complication of diabetes mellitus , evaluation of kidney diseases , physiological and pathological jaundice , plasma lipoproteins, globulins abnormalities , GIT disorders , minerals and trace elements and inborn error of metabolism, vitamins,Pancreatic function,Cardiac function, Clinical chemistry and geriatric patients, Pediatric clinical chemistry, Prophyrins and hemoglobin, Point – of – care testing ,Requesting tests, Interpreting results Quality control.
Course objectives: ?
By the end of this course , the students should able to :
- Quality control
- Discuss diabetes complications and jaundice .
- Discuss kidney diseases , globulin abnormalities , gastrointestinal tract (GIT) disorders and inborn error of metabolism .
- Explain minerals and trace elements .
Course contents (topics):
Theory :
- Quality control: (Control sera (types preparation),Control chart(shewart chart, cusum chart, leveteninig chart),West gard rules, Method validation (characterization of validation parameters),Recovery experiment, Selectivity, Linearity, Limit of detection, limit quantitation Interference experiment, Replication experiment, Reportable range, Comperesion of method, Laboratory accreditation)
- Monitoring and complication of diabetes mellitus( Self monitoring of Blood Glucose (2-hour post prandial tests , Glycosylated Hemoglobin ) and complications (ketoses and diabetic neuropathy and neuropathy ).
- Kidney disease evaluation( Laboratory diagnosis of glomerular and tubular diseases ).
- Physiological and pathological jaundice (Hyper and Hypobilirubinemia , Neonatal jaundice , reye’s syndrome and gilbert syndrome).
- Plasma lipoproteins (Lipoprotein distribution in the population , diseases related (Arteriosclerosis ), Lp(a) Elevation , Hyperlipoproteinemia and Hyperlipoproteinemia).
- GIT disorders (Physiology , Biochemistry and Laboratory Diagnosis of Gastric and Intestinal Secretion . Malabsorption and Occult Blood ).
- Globulins abnormalities (Paraglobuinemia (Alpha 1 antitrypsin )).
- Minerals and trace elements ( Functions , abnormalities and laboratory diagnosis of ( Iron , copper Zinc , Cobalt chromium , fluorine , manganese , selenium , and molybdenum ).
- Inborn error of metabolism( metabolic screening procedures and laboratory diagnosis of metabolic disorders ).
- Pancreatic function( physiology of pancreatic function , diseases of the pancreas , tests , of pancreas function ).
- Cardiac function : (heart disease , congenital heart disease , congestive heart failure , acute coronary syndrome , infective heart disease , diagnosis of heart disease ).
- Vitamins : (Fat-soluble vitamins , water soluble vitamins , essential fatty acids , the malnutrition risk , nutritional assessment ).
- Clinical chemistry and geriatric patients : ( The impact of geriatric patients on the clinical laboratory , theories of aging , biochemical and physiologic changes of aging , clinical chemistry results and aging ).
- Pediatric clinical chemistry : ( Developmental changes from neonate to adult , phlebotomy and choice of instrumentation for pediatric samples , point-of-care analysis in pediatrics ).
- Prophyrins and hemoglobin : (Prophyrins , hemoglobin , myoglobin ).
- Point – of – care testing : ( Administration and structure , communication , proficiency testing , POC applications ) .
- Requesting tests .
- Interpreting results .
- Kidney function test
- Liver function test
- Diabetic profile
- Cardiac function( CKmb, troponin)
- Pediatric clinical chemistry…
- Vitamins evaluations.(B12, folic acid)
- Zinc in body fluids.
- Iron estimation.
- Porphyrin in blood.
- Uroporphyrin in urine.
- Co proporphyrin in stool.
- Lead and Mercury.
- Control sera (types preparation)
- Control chart(shewart chart, cusum chart, leveteninig chart)
- West gard rules
- Method validation (characterization of validation parameters)
- Recovery experiment
- Selectivity
- Linearity
- Limit of detection, limit quantitation
- Interference experiment
- Replication experiment
- Reportable range
- Comperesion of method
- Laboratory accreditation